
Why Polish hate Russians?

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When the soviet troops are the ones that defeated n***s and liberated thousands if not millions of poles from death camps and such?




  1. NEVER ENDS ----Some dipshit Russian fans thought it was a wise idea to stomp around celebrating “Russia Day” in the streets of the capital city of their mortal enemy, who by the way, they share a thousand years of relentless genocide, war, ethnic exterminations, and occupation with.     Obviously that kicked off a series of stabbings and gang fights between hooligans, unquestionably motivated by ethnic hostility. For WASPs and Americans, ethnic score settling in Eastern Europe like this, is unexplainable barbarity; but lucky for them they’re not Polish, nor the progeny of my Dziadzia (granddad.....

  2. It is so funny to hear that poor polish are angels and suffered from Russians so much. LOOK AT THE REAL HISTORY!

    1) Poland always had been a quite agressive country that had fightings with many many nations and countries, you captured their lands and killed people so don't pretend to be angelsl!

    2) Polish invaded Russia too and made so many troubles ro Russians, moreover - sometimes you joined woth Russia,sometimes were against of her and killed its people. Why you don't mention it? 

    3) You say about killing polish and deporting them to Siberia, but it was done not by Russian people, but by georgian Stalin and his regime ! How many RUSSIANS were killed and deported by Stalin that time? MUCH MUCH MORE than polish!

    4) Russia has a long and great history of several thousands years but it seems that everything you know - is a soviet time that lasted less than a 100 years. Moreover, you don't know even this period of history well and all what you know is some facts that you treat in your own way. Soviet time also had many benefits like trust between people, no unemployment , free flats etc. and it was the time when Polish and Russians communicated and worked  a lot together in a friendlt way.

    5) I laughted at the phrase of one guy here that Germans killed so many polish but then they say sorry , invited you ro EU and you forgot everything in a minute.

    It means that German n**i massacred a great number of polish in a cruel war, but you betrayed their memories immediately after they showed you a way to EU. Though nobody in EU accepts Poland as equal , europeans accept polish as people of the low level. 

    Meanwhile, many other nations had fightings with you and killed polish during the history,do you hate them too? Or you pretend to forget about it and hate only Russians as it benefits you?

    6) You blame Russians, but WHY YOU FORGOT that it were RUSSIANS who saved you from german n**i and how many Russians died when released Warsaw and some other cities from n**i and saved your lifes. WHY you didn't say about this?

    7) What's interesting - you hate Russians, but most of Russians don't hate you - they just don't think about polish at all, you have no any meaning for them. 

    8) As for plane crush of polish president, only brainless people can think that Russians did it. If they wanted to do smth like that,  they would never do it on their territory , they are smart enough for it. And what for??? Russia didn't have any troubles with Poland , especially that time, and was in good relations with Poland. It is more like it is a work of polish opposition who wanted to get rid of your president who had a very low rating that time. 

    9) My mom always told me to beware polish es they are very evil and nasty people who like to hate and can make smth bad for you, and I see she is absolutely right. 

    So you can keep on blaming Russians in all your sins and live in this hate further, while Russians don't care about  it at all - they live, fall in love, travel  and enjoy their  life like all normal people in the world. I am sorry for you.

    So you 


  3.  Lol

  4.  I come from Poland . I  always remember about war in Poland . [ but war is finish , lol . Poland is free country now!]

    But ... i living in Norway , speak norwegian , i going to norwegian school , have a friend who was born in Norway. Many time when i go with my mother we speak Polish people ask us " Er dere russisk ? "  in English is mean ; You are Russian ?  always answer ; no .

    but pride in my heart hurt . dont know why . now in school when somebody ask me about my country i always say [ When they ask me if i understend russian language ] : 

    Im Polish not Russian . Is diffrent !

    but in these to country must be agreement . :) 

    ya lublyu russkii yazyk . :D ! very :p 


  5. I am Polish and understand the reason for the bad blood between Poland and Russia. Actually Poles really dislike the Germans much more because the Polish word for Germans literally means the dumb and ignorant. My great aunt, who grow up in Polish Lwow has said this to me on many occasions: "Of the two invaders, Poles would rather have the Russians because at least they are slavic brothers." That being said,  historically Poles and Russians have been in more conflicts then can be counted. The main reason is the religious differences of these two people. They are both slavs but have different religious doctrines. Poland is a deeply Roman Catholic Country while Russia is a  deeply Orthodox Country. In modern times this differences may seem rather small and actually unimportant, but in the context of the middle ages and the Renaissance that is a rather large dividing factors both socially and politically. Putting this in account along with the various expansive policies by Russian Monarchs and also the  Polish-Muscovite War of the 1600s (which the Polish Commonwealth was the aggressor) have caused a great deal of clashes between the two sides. Over the course of time Poland itself has suffered from instability and Russia was one of the powers that took advantage of this instability. When Russia annexed part of Poland, it created a surf class, which Poland once had before, but abolished the practice. In recent memory the reasons that Poles dislike the Russians is because of World War II and the post war. Stalin (really a Georgian) who himself dislike Poland for defeating the Soviets during the Polish-Soviet Wars of the 1920s, ordered continued their occupation of Poland and installed a puppet government, which for Poles who are nationalistic and since the middle ages have had democratic ideologies instilled in their culture because Poland had a system of elected Kings. Having any foreign power occupy and control your country will always cause you to dislike the occupier. It will also cause a continued fear that it could possibly happen again. To the Poles this fear seems to be valid since they after World War I the had a short lived Democratic Republic that was destroy by n**i Germany and Soviet Russia. To Poles, Russia is a symbol of potentially losing their freedom and independence. So because of their fears of once again losing their independence, Poles view Russia with distrust and a strong dislike. 

  6. I completly concur with the posster before me, any astute student of Russian/Polish history knows that both sides are not without guilt. That being said. the Cold War is over and it's time to bury the hatchet. Poland: you do not have any enemies, get over it.


  7. Russians backstabbed us and partitioned with n***s, murdered about a million of polish civilians by sending them to die in Siberia and when they figured out they need cannon fodder to fight the n***s, they tried to hide the facts and pretended we are friends. They ruined the country with their communist filth. And they want us to be grateful.

  8.  I think russian has no choice and will ignore you, polish neurotics. You are under US, what do you want from Russia? I bet you want compensations in money, so what it till the end of the world.

  9. I am Michal, 4th gen Poland. Russia backstabbed Poland in the 1600's and have killed our generals during the 2nd world war. Russia has done many horrible things to use but people just dont understand that. And just top clear something with those who think we just gave up, France fought with German for 2 weeks and fell. Poland fought to the end when the Russian b******s attacked us in the rear. IF YOU WANT TO TALK c**p ABOUT POLAND, THEN FIRST READ THE REAL HISTORY OF OUR COUNTRY YOU f*****g RUSSIAN COMMUNIST b******s.

  10. I am third genoration Polish. Dont you dare talk about my contry like that!!! ya and i think that the russians had something to do we that plain that just happend to crash and that it just happened to have the Polish president on board

  11. I am an 4th generation American of Polish and Irish ancestry (a little Native American and Swedish in the mix also). However, I have always disliked russians unbeknownst to me. It's like it was embedded in me to not like them and, I have always wondered why? Well this makes a lot of sense.

  12. Because Russian vodka is better & Poles are jealous!

  13. just a tid bit of history here soviets may have headed the fight against the Germans in WWII but it wasn't Russians fighting. they told the POWs (including my Jaji) if the Polish POWs wanted their country back they had to fight the Germans for it. the Russians didnt feel it necessary to use there own men but took the credit for it. Jaji always told me from an early age never trust a Russian, I give them a benefit of the doubt but every time he is right, every time.

  14. I am Michal and i was Born in Bialystok, Poland. I also hate Russia for what they have done to us. Killing our leaders during the war and not apologizing after words. I have read that Russia betrayed Poland back in the 1600's and gave parts of Poland to the surrounding countries, making us disappear from the world. Russia has fucked us up so many times when we trusted them, now people think we hate them for no reason. Im starting to think Russia was responsible for the Death of our Beloved late President.

  15. f**k u poland u know what's f*****g funny poland laid down and let the germans walk in east europe like a bunch of pussies and your going to sit there and feed me stupid facts cmon russians brothers and sisters didn't give up even in leningrad we where starving half a bread per family a day and your fuking poles have germans feeding you full course meals

  16. Alright here is the thing, Russian troops let the Warrsaw rebellion fail by purposely not doing anything and poorly supplying it. They have occupied us dozens of times, and we have had hudreds of wars with them. They constantly stop trade with us also. My grandmother used to wait in line for 7 hours to get food under Russian communism. We are also surrounded by many other enemies, (I.E. Germans and Swedes). So nturally Poland is a poor position. It has been craved by rulers though, due to the cold-water sea ports. When Piotr the II (Napoleonic Tsar of RUssia, dont remember if name or number is correct) was refused apart of Poland, he threatened to unleash the monster(Napoleon). We are a nationalistic nation and if you take us over, we remember. That is why most Polish (not including myself) dislike the Russians. War is the main cause wth historical grievances.

  17. Alright here is the thing, Russian troops let the Warrsaw rebellion fail by purposely not doing anything and poorly supplying it. They have occupied us dozens of times, and we have had hudreds of wars with them. They constantly stop trade with us also. My grandmother used to wait in line for 7 hours to get food under Russian communism. We are also surrounded by many other enemies, (I.E. Germans and Swedes). So nturally Poland is a poor position. It has been craved by rulers though, due to the cold-water sea ports. When Piotr the II (Napoleonic Tsar of RUssia, dont remember if name or number is correct) was refused apart of Poland, he threatened to unleash the monster(Napoleon). We are a nationalistic nation and if you take us over, we remember. That is why most Polish (not including myself) dislike the Russians. War is the main cause wth historical grievances.

  18. i don't know why, they are better not to

  19. Polish people have nothing better to do than p**s and moan about what Russia did and what Russia's doing. People love complaining, and being miserable. This is just an example.
    There's a massive proportion of people who don't even know that Poland exists and Poles get a thrill out of whining about Russians, evil Russians, horrible Russians, which is even more ridiculous coming from young Poles who did not even live through communist times. It's a sad, pathetic thing that Russian government's corruption over Poland is the only thing that really puts them on the map. I'm not saying they didn't suffer,but everyone else including Russian people also suffered and they refuse to realize that their 'enemies' are flesh and blood humans, just like them. I myself am of British origin but I see through Poland's drama queen ways. Self victimization and blaming everyone but yourself... only gets you so far.

  20. I will tell you why !

    First of all my name is Michał (Michael) . I was born in Gdańsk (north Poland)in 1990 . And i really hate russians .
    Everyone is thinking that typical Pole hate Germans , becouse WWII. But they say "sorry" and now we are in EU , and our relation are good. The biggest problem is that russians never said sorry. And they are still laying about Katyń , about history .

    (It's only my opinion)


  21. Guys, if we speak about how pissed off the Polish were after WWII due to the Russians, let's remember one more episode of history... I'm talking about Polish invasion of Moscow and Russia back in the 1610-s. It was the moment, when Russia almost lost its independence, and the Polish were the main reason for that. They wanted to seize power in Russia. WHY DON'T RUSSIANS SAY ABOUT IT ALL THE TIME????!!!
    The reason I'm telling all this to you is that I want you to forget all bad things, which used to happen to us decades and centuries ago. MAKE LOVE!!!

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