
Why Russian newspapers and foreign affairs of Russia are so funny?

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In an article quoted from the newspaper Izvestia (Russian Известия ), Russian says "the weapon providers for Georgia (the USA and Turkiye) are responsible from the civilian deaths in South Ossetia"

A similar comment was declared by foreign affairs of Russia.

So they bomb a city, cause many civilian deaths, but the responsible is someone else, ha? Very funny.

I wanna make them to remember that Russia has given many weapons to Serbians and caused a big genocide.

Russian friends, please be fair and think. In this war, not only Georgians die but also Russians...




  1. Russia's idea of "saving people" has always been rather tragicomical. They "save children" by bombing a school and killing half of the hostages then they boast about how successful their operation was on newspapers and channels. It sends shivers of disgust down my spine. Russian military budget is quadrapuling, do you really think a peace loving country would be pouring money into "defense" ? Oh sure, there is America, America is always a threat right? Who are you people kidding? America didn't dare to attack Russia during the Cold War and nor it shall in the future. You produce weapons for two reasons a) to use it b) to sell it. It's stupid to attempt to clear the name of Russia by trying to disproof one event i.e. genocide in Bosnia. There are many wars going on in distant parts of the world, it isn't feasible that Russia supplies no weapons whatsoever to any of the warring parties on earth. So Izvestiya's article is ridiculous and hypocritical, but journalism ethics are the least of the concerns of an average Russian nationalist. The truth winks under the huge Russian headlines, but people believe what they want to believe so there's no use arguing whether the Russian media, or any other media, is objective or not.

  2. This is called propaganda, and in recent history information warfare.

    Izvestiya as well as most other Russian mainstream media are controlled by the Russian government, and are the main source of information to most Russian population. When you look at Russia on TV, they usually show you Moscow or St. Petersburg - the two cities that are well technologically advanced, have wide internet and satellite TV access and such. It is hard to deceive those people (though many are still being driven by mainstream media).

    But you must realize, that most Russian population (and it is a huge country aside from it's "two capitals"), and in particular the potential voters for the next election, is not as well educated, has no internet access and relies on newspapers and the government controlled television for the news. Russia has historically had tight relationship with USA, from occasional warm-ups to a near nuclear war point during Cuban missile crisis. It has been the politics of Russian government for past years to distance from the USA, and any possibility of blaming the US government for anything bad (like Russian deaths in a war) is an opportunity the government can't miss to use.

    This is in addition to the badly biased coverage of the actual conflict that goes on in Russian mainstream media, that again uses lots of propaganda and information war tactics to justify to Russian people why the countries troops had to cross the border of a sovereign nation that is internationally recognized by most world nations, including Russia. So this is just a part of that equation. There must be someone to blame for Russian deaths. Of course it's not the Russian government that sent it's troops over the international border. It must be someone else! Wouldn't it be nice, if they could just march into Georgia with no resistance. They own the Eastern Europe, right? And they declared that the part of Georgia they invaded must be under their control! How dare anyone give arms to a country they decided to invade!!! That's the Russian media point, and it is well taken by majority of population that doesn't know better.


  3. please

    dont trust the russian media sourses or anything, we ll know what kind of democracy they have

    CNN had spread the information on the very first day and used some of the russian sourses, and when the journalist from the CNN went to the conflict zone they made wrote real articles and showed the reality

    the thing is not to read smth and get it right, but to find and choose the right sourse

  4. Russians are hypocrit and selfish.

    Their only policy is "REAL POLITIK"

    Look at what they did in Chechnya...

  5. Yusgoslavia got it in the soviet times,then Yugoslavia last 20 years was been USA friend...USA-Ukraine were givving weapon to georgia last 4 years.

  6. i agree

  7. For one, it controlled by government. Second, even if it wasn't, an average Russian person - a Russian "bear" has the worst combination of ignorance and arrogance. Not only is  he a brain-dead alcoholic but also thinks he is entitled to something big as a citizen of the "great Russian Empire".  

  8. You don't have a truthfull information about situation in the conflict zone: Russia doesn't bomb cities and villages, it bombs military stocks and military positions and fire in the houses that you see on your TV channels is the result of explosions of Georgian bombs stocked close to this houses.

    And be sure Russian troops are well prepared to reach with it's weapon in planned targets, so mistakes are eliminated.

    what you don't know is that Georgia attacked South Ossetia at night when city was sleeping, where they knew only women and children stayed (men are always on duty to protect their motherland) and they crushed the city starting with hospital and other peacefull objects!!!

    And now who will dare to say they are playng the rule of UN???

  9.       The "Russian" citizens in South Ossetia are citizens because Russia passed out Russian Passports to them like someone on a street corner passing out discount coupons, all the while pretending to be impartial peacekeepers.

         Had another country done the same in Chechnya in the early 90's and then attacked Russian cities when Russia leveled the capitol of Grozny, I'm sure that Russia would have been indignant, since Chechnya is a part of Russia. Why the typical Russian finger pointing and claiming enemies all around in this situation?

  10. And actually, the weapons providers to Georgia have been the Israelis...  Go figure!

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