
Why SUN rises in the MIDNIGHT in NORWAY?

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  1. It doesn't rise, it just fails to set.

    because the earth's axis is tilted

    so above the arctic circle in the summer you can still see the sun at midnight, and in the winter you can't see the sun at all.

  2. Technically, it never rises at midnight in Norway.  Thanks to Daylight Savings Time, its lowest point in the summer is at 1:00 am, rather than midnight.

    But the one-hour time difference aside...

    1.  The Earth tilts back and forth during the year, so in the summer, the northern hemisphere is pointed towards the sun, and in the winter, the southern hemisphere is pointed towards the sun.

    2.  The Earths tilt changes gradually throughout the year, reaching its extreme (and starting to tilt back the other direction) at the summer and winter solstices.

    3.  Since the planet rotates around a vertical axis, daylight is formed as your point on the Earth rotates towards the sun.  Night occurs when you no longer have a direct line of sight to the sun (which becomes blocked by the horizon).

    4.  At the extreme ends of the Earth, near the poles, the tilt of the Earth can overcome this limitation, so that to some extent you're always facing the sun despite the Earth's daily rotation.  When this happens, the horizon no longer blocks your line of sight, and the sun no longer "sets" or "rises".

    5.  The northern and southern points where this begins to happen are the Arctic and Antarctic Circles.  A large portion of Norway is above the Arctic Circle, and the rest of the country is far enough north that it still reaches extremely long days in the summer (and extremely short days in the winter).

    6.  As the tilt of the Earth begins to reach this point, the days get longer and longer, to the point where the sun sets extremely late and rises very early (converging on 1am in Norway).  Thus, you can end up with days where the sun appears to set at 12:59 am and rise again at 1:00 am.

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