
Why San Diego, CA and Tijuana, BC, are Twin cities? and Sta.Barbara,CA & Pto. Vallarta Xal. Sister cities?

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Why San Diego, CA and Tijuana, BC, are Twin cities? and Sta.Barbara,CA & Pto. Vallarta Xal. Sister cities?




  1. Tijuana was part of San Diego before the US took over California.  When the Border was finally made and enforce the city of Tijuana finally was split from San Diego and renamed.  The mayor of Santa barbara made some sort of arrangement with Vallarta to make it a sister city


    The Sister City approach to international exchanges is centered on citizen-to-citizen diplomacy. Sister Cities International was founded in 1956 by U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower. It remains renowned worldwide as a distinguished program that fosters international understanding.

    The Beverly Hills Sister Cities program is designed to develop and sustain programs aimed at strengthening these global relationships, building bridges of understanding across nations and cultures.

  3. Sta. Barbara, CA and Pto. Vallarta, Xal, are referred to as sister cities because they are geographically separated, but enjoy a civic link based on mutual agreement.  San Diego, CA and Tijuana, BC, are considered Twin Cities because they enjoy the same type of civic link based on mutual agreement, and are also co-located along the US-Mexico border.

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