
Why Sarah Palin's mother-inlaw likes Obama ?

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"I'm not sure what she brings to the ticket, except she is a woman and a conservative" Fayin Palin admitted!

Faye Palin admitted she enjoys hearing Barack Obama speak, and still hasn't decided which way she'll vote.


do you wanna vote for ppl, whose close family and friends don't trust them and want to vote the other way?




  1. i'm an obama/biden supporter, but with all due respect...that's her


  2. h**l hath no furry like a Womans scorn....


  3. she knows her daughter in law best

    O'biden )8

  4. Faye Palin -never- said she did not trust Sarah Palin. Nor did she say she was not voting for her.^

    What you  (conveniently) left out -

    "People will say she hasn't been on the national scene long enough. But I believe she's a quick study."

    She said people doubted Sarah Palin when she ran for City Council, but that her daughter-in-law had a "singular focus."

  5. so, her husband and oldest son are Independents, neither will be VP. Her mother in law said nothing about trust or voting the other way, she is undecided. Stop playing word games.

  6. This is just pathetic !! My Ex mother in laws opinion is worth squat, she probably likes that loser unqualified fool obama as well.

    Obama's tribe of half brothers would vote McCain if they could instead of the hypocrite obama

  7. I would assume her mother in law knows her better than we ever will, and for her to even Consider not voting for her that is telling.I hate to bring this up, But I wish somebody would find just 1 picture of this woman pregnant. That Rumor is really taking legs. How old is that child, I have seen hundreds of pictures of Palin in the last 3 days not 1 as a pregnant woman, Can anyone just provide a picture and put this to rest.

  8. Your an idiot.. she never said she didnt trust her......

    Knave.. your picture reflects your mental state...  

  9. There may be trouble in the family as well as the realization that Sarah is not qualified


    Go back to Jerusalem,  spy.

    We know you're not black

  11. you ever had a mother in law?

  12. I wouldn't necessarily vote for certain members of my family either.

    But I'm still not voting for McCain/Palin.

  13. Cindy McCain's half sister wants to vote for Obama, as well!

  14. Obama's brother, George Hussein Obama, lives off less than one dollar a month and wonders why Barack does not send him some money, seeing as Barack likes to use the phrase "we are our brother's keeper".

  15. "I'm not sure what she brings to the ticket other than she's a woman and a conservative. Well, she's a better speaker than McCain," Faye Palin said with a laugh. "People will say she hasn't been on the national scene long enough. But I believe she's a quick study."

    That is the full quote.  

    Oh and in the article, she also talks about Sarah's pregnancy with the baby with Downs.

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