
Why Sarah Palin The Repub Candidate Never Talked About Balancing The Budget Defict Mess Created By G.W. Bush?

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Why Sarah Palin The Repub Candidate Never Talked About Balancing The Budget Defict Mess Created By G.W. Bush?




  1. its called side step punch run

  2. She said she uses the power of the veto and cut out wasteful spending so that Alaska now has a surplus.  I believe that the deficit is what she was alluding to.  The first thing she did as governor was to get a law passed in the state to balance the budget.  As VP, that will be McCain's job to lead the House into this goal, not hers.  She will be firmly behind it.

  3. She was too busy being a pit bull with lipstick and attacking Obama.  I'm waiting for the debates when we actually get to hear about more issues than just oil and other energy.  

  4. They try to avoid that issue. It will relive about Bush's FAIL administration.  

  5. She's not running for President. Make sure McCain does that tonight.

  6. Because the Republicans feel that it is not their job to actually take care of the country. They think their mouthes do all of the work.

  7. Why should they talk about this so Obama can repeat it,It will come,Its all over for Obama,

  8. That deficit alone is a very good reason not to vote for this self proclaimed pitbull and POW sob story McCain.

    Republicans do not know that we are practically owned by China now. Go search it if you don't believe it.

  9. Because even her ego is not big enough to let her believe there is a hope in h**l of being able to sort the mess out while ever they are still in Iraq.

    And we all know McCain and Palin want to escalate the war, not withdraw from it.

  10. Im sick of hearing her L*****n lipstick hockey mom phrase...its playing like every 15 mins.....

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