
Why s*x and nudity is very much acceptable in Japan? & is it less tabooed than US & other Europe?

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  1. The U.S. has the most issues with s*x.

    Europe and Japan are both relatively calm when it comes to the topic of s*x.

    Canada is somewhere in between.

    Why is s*x and nudity acceptable?  Because it's part of life.  You wouldn't be here without it.

    The U.S. was founded by religious people who couldn't make it in Europe.  These people had a lot of issues regarding s*x and just about anything else.  Those attitudes were simply passed down, consciously or otherwise, and can still be seen in the U.S. today.

  2. You may have a wrong information or misunderstanding.

    The fact that showing sexual organs on films or magazines are strictly prohibited proves that Japan is not open to "s*x and nudity," compared with the US and Europe where x*x films are legal.

    However, as long as sexual organs are hidden, wider range of expression is permitted in Japan, which may give that impression to you. I would say Japan has no double standard in the expression of s*x; there is a strict limitation but within the boundary, anything is permitted. Very simple and easy to understand, isn't it?  

  3. That's simply a false statement. If anything, nudity seems much less acceptable in Japan than in the US or probably anywhere else. If I went to a convenient store nearby stark-naked here in Tokyo, I would be put in jail for at least a year.

  4. Japan is about the same as most of Europe.  The human body is considered natural, not shameful.

    The reason why the US is so puritanical about s*x and nudity is because it was originally settled by the Puritans, a sect that was openly hated and outcast by most of the other Christian sects in Europe at the time.  Their values are still held by many Americans today.

    I find it ironic that nipples, which every human being has and are necessary to our survival, are seen as taboo and sinful in American society, and yet violence, gore, and profanity are almost worshiped as heavenly.  Show a woman's natural bare breast and you get an R rating, but if you slice it off with a chainsaw, that's PG13.  It's ok for little children to watch a group of large muscled men in tights as they bash and slam into each other, but show them a female nipple and they are damaged beyond repair?  Ridiculous...

  5. It is more open and accepted in Japan than America. You commonly see middle-aged Japanese men riding on the train with magazines showing teen age girls in bikinis and "love hotels" are a dime-a-dozen and in plain view. Yes, America has these things too, but it isn't openly conveyed in public. In America, you don't see 50-year old guys in public looking at soft-core p**n mags, but in Japan it's a common sight. However, that said, I do agree that America is a bit too up-tight about showing nudity in films, yet violence is okay. It gives the message that violence is good, but s*x & nudity is bad.  

  6. Genitalia below the waist has be to censored even in adult videos in Japan.  But nudity above the waist is acceptable in advertisements and cartoons.  s*x is big in Japanese society but it is generally well hidden.  Other than the old salarymen staring at schoolgirls' legs or reading topless / bikini magazines on the train, the actual s*x industry is not so blatantly obvious unless you go out hunting for it.

  7. This is almost a trick question.

    Like Tanaka and Area52 said, nudity and p**n are MORE tabooed.  However, I think that this isn't because Japanese are more strict about sexuality - it is because these things are profane.  There's a difference.  Pornography and streaking are not acceptable displays of sexuality, because they give s*x a bad name.  Softcore p**n, because it does not show any private parts, is okay.

    I think that Japan is just more sophisticated when it comes to s*x.  Men seem to be fine with imagining the things they can't see; they don't need full frontal nudity to enjoy a woman's form.

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