
Why Should Fred Thompson Have To Defend His Wife's Role In His Campaign When No One Questions Bill's Role

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in Hillary's????




  1. is she stripping for campaign contributions? i had no idea anyone was saying anything about her. a source will get you a better answer.

  2. Look at the democratic candidates of Obama and Edwards do any of them have to defend their spouse over the top efforts to divide us as a nation of rich and poor.

  3. Fred Thompson should not have to defend his wife's role in his campaign, however, I am sure the American public would like to hear from her as we have heard from most of the other spouses in this campaign.  Granted most of what we have heard is Hilary bashing from the other spouses.  If anyone caught Bubba's appearance on Letterman, he was very respectful of all the other candidates.  I wish they would stop bashing each other and get down to the brass tacks of what is wrong with this country.  Namely, the lack of regulation on credit card companies, health providers, and illegal aliens in this country.

  4. Who is talking bad about Thompson's wife? I found out she is in her forties, is a DePauuw University grad, and works for the Republican Party sometimes. I would kind of like to hear her speak, though. It would get rid of all the silly questions and observations surrounding her. As far as I know, she has as much right as any other political spouse to stump for their mates.

  5. He doesn't

  6. If Hillary were married to a 30-year-old studmuffin you'd better believe the media would be questioning his role in her potential Presidency!

    We know Mrs. Thompson's role:  eye candy. "Just stand there and look pretty."

  7. touche'

    but he should have to defend being a puppet for the owners of the Federal Reserve just like Clinton is

  8. because bill is a liberal, the libs always make a big deal out anything a conservative does, but it is OK for them to do the same thing.

  9. He shouldn't have to defend her any more than Hillary defend Bill.  They are separate entities.

  10. Look at it this way; if this is all they have to attack him with, he's gonna come out of it smelling like a rose.

  11. she is in it for the money

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