
Why Taco Bell so stingy with meat?

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I ordered some tacos... and all I have was a teaspoon of meat

and a bunch of lettuce.

And when I ordered NACHO BELL GRANDE...

not enough meat, bunch of lettuce and tomato, topped with too much CHEESE sauce!!! It looks like CHEESY SALAD.

Why? Why are they so stingy with meat?




  1. I don't know!!! But i know how you feel.. That's why when i go and order i always say extra meat please... Maybe if enough customers complain about the amount a meat they will change there policy.. Because the employees are just following the rules.. There is always a certain amount that has to be put on the food.. No matter what restaurant you go to its like that.. Like at Subway i use to work there and there is a certain amount a meat for each sand which!!! It sucks i know!!! Thats why there is nothing like HOMEMADE FOOD!!!

  2. Probably because meat is actually expensive and they have to keep the cost of producing the taco lower than the price you are paying for it.

    Having said that, it's probably a good thing, because Taco Bell uses grade C meat ...

  3. I don't know, all I end up with is beans!!! lol It is sooo annoying! Ask for extra meat.

  4. what meat?

  5. I agree. it is like a lettuce sandwich. they could give us a little more, it would not cost them that much. stingy is true.

  6. Taco Bell uses portioning scoops for everything , if you want more meat you have to order it , and it cost extra.And why did they put lettuce on your nacho bell grande,it doesn`t come with lettuce,usually you don`t get enough nacho cheese sauce.It all comes down to food cost, the more they spend on a certain food the less you get in your taco.

  7. Honestly, I don't have a problem with most things I order from the Taco Bell near my house. However, the crunch wrap supreme must have about a tablespoon of ground beef on the damned thing. I hadn't gotten one in a really long time and decided to get one this week and it was the same tablespoon of ground beef. I remember when it first came out it was normal and that was enough for my entire meal. So I just won't get that ever again.

  8. Meat costs more money than lettuce and tomato.  They are trying to cut corners and top it all off with too much sauce in the hopes the customers won't notice.

  9. I don't even consider what they serve to be meat!

  10. They are stingy with everything! I got that Cheesy Burrito they advertised to be SO SUPER Cheesy,and guess what was lacking? CHEESE!! Like NO cheese at all on this burrito!

  11. because taco bell is hella cheap. if they put more meat on it they would barely get any profit

  12. The meat at Taco Bell is already premade and simply boiled in the bag, is it meat yes is it other stuff yes.  Taco Bells portions are consistently smaller than the competition but their prices are also lower.  They keep their prices down giving you the consumer the illusion of value when what they are selling is a subpar product with smaller quantities.  Try the competition especially if you live in the midwest.  We make tacos the right way and it is well worth paying an extra 10 cents.

  13. Cutting down on the meats will increase the profit.

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