
Why Taslima Nasreen left India?

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Why Taslima Nasreen left India?




  1. because she know what Muslim can do................

    if she goes in pataal she will be killed ...........

    because she wrote what she don't know ............

    she is Mother of devil she don't know what is Islam?

    Mr.Doc ur brain washing of other communities Muslim are not vote banks, Muslim can revolt the hole your country,

    if their is no Muslim means no India understand............

  2. Bangladeshi writer Taslima Nasreen was forced to leave Bangladesh in 1994 after extremist Muslims accused her of blasphemy over her novel “Lajja” -- or ”Shame” -- which depicts the life of a Hindu family persecuted by Muslims in Bangladesh.

    She had been seeking permanent residence in India, where she moved after spending time in Europe and the United States, but New Delhi has been fearful of a Muslim backlash.

    The writer was forced to flee the eastern city of Kolkata, which she adopted as her home in 2004, in November after receiving death threats from radical Indian Muslims, and has since been living in hiding in the capital New Delhi.

    Now she has left India for Europe after being hounded into hiding by death threats from Islamic militants, her publisher and friends told AFP on Wednesday.

  3. Before blaming any one, she should not have created a situation to flee from her home country to seek asylum elswhere. She did it at her own risk.

  4. Ask him!:S

  5. Taslima Nasreen, secluded in secret government custody in Calcutta, India since November 2007, announced on 17 March 2008 that she was planning to leave India due to failing health. In an email to supporters she revealed that she was suffering from very high blood pressure and as a consequence had developed cardiac distress.

    According to a statement posted on her official website, she has alleged that Indian Foreign Minister, Pranab Mukherjee had exerted "great mental pressure" on her to leave the country. Taslima, who had not been allowed to see any visitors for nearly four months described her confinement as living in "a chamber of death".

  6. To be honest, it is allegedly the bad behaviour meted out by the Indian government that forced her to leave for Europe.

    The Indian government is under serious pressure to cease hosting her, Muslim vote bank politics (apparently) dictate that a person who hurt their sentiments be banished from the state.

    Personally, I am surprised. The average Indian voter doesn't even know Ms Nasreen, let alone care about hurt sentiments! But then, if you are an Indian, you are aware politics is a 'bad word'! :)

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