
Why Travelodge declines my payment?

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I have tried several times to book 2 rooms in a travelodge in london for 4 nights from the 1st of january 2009.

But, when I'm going to checkout, once submitted my credit card information, the sites return this error:

Payment was declined. Please try again or visit our help section

Your booking has not been completed. Please try again or visit our help section (SCX).'

Please help me! Any idea?




  1. It is the bank or whoever you have the card through that declines payments like that.

  2. The usual cause is that you have entered something incorrectly like the card number - most websites require you to put the number in without any spaces or gaps,  what about the expiry date - have you entered that correctly - and the security number on the back .

    Have you entered your name exactly as it appears on the card - and have you entered the address of the registered card holder.

    if all is correct maybe your particular credit card is not accepted by them - many places do not accept 'Solo' cards for instance - some do not accept 'American Express'

    The solution is to telephone Travel lodge and make a telephone reservation - if it does not go through then they may be able to tell you - if not you will have to telephone your credit card issuer.


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