
Why Turkey can not withdraw from Cyprus completely and abstain from influencing Balkans to ignite nationalism?

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Why Turkey can not withdraw from Cyprus completely and abstain from influencing Balkans to ignite nationalism?




  1. A neutral party might ask the same question of the Greeks.

    Turkey continues to support and protect Turkish Cypriots, and will continue to do so as long as they associate security, sovereignty, and economic issues with the island of Cyprus.

  2. You can find the official politics of the Republic of Turkey throughout internet.Moreover,Turkey does not influence Balkans.

    If you state your viewpoint more clearly,I could give you a better answer.

  3. They believe it gives them half a leg into the EU since Cyprus is already in.

    But mostly because they're stubborn as h**l and don't believe in good will.

  4. Violence might be an intrinsic part of humanity. But, so are humanity's relentless efforts to rule out violence, regulate antagonism, peacefully solve confrontational situations and prevent hatred and prejudice. Whether we come together to understand each other or we come together to debate each other our goal has always been to better our lives and build a more secure future.

  5. Turkey is interested in the affairs of the countries surrounding it for trade and security.

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