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  1. because the big bang was such a huge explosion and it has so much energy that it is still reallising it

  2. 1 - big bang

    2 - things expand outwards

    3 - stll going outwards, like the smell of a bad f**t

    4 - therefore planets, stars moving

    5 - hope this answers question

    6 - ok.

  3. an unknown force is expanding it, i don't know why it just keeps growing and growing, ever wonder what its expanding into? ever hear about a hyper universe...strange indeed...

    the universe expands faster and faster its speed keeps increasing, wicked!

  4. This is one of the most commonly misunderstood pieces of cosmology.

    The expansion of the universe is what is called a metric expansion.

    What this means is that at the time of the big bang gravity was so strong (all the energy was in a tiny volume) that spacetime was incredibly compressed.

    This compression is slowly unfurling. As it does so spacetime itself changes, so that the distance between two points itself changes - in fact increases.

    And of course as this continues, the energy density of the universe (mass+energy) falls, and so spacetime becomes even less compressed or curved.

    The universe is actually described by a Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker metric - this is an exact solution of the Einstein field equations of general relativity.

    What the expansion is not is stars moving away from each other driven by some force.

    However, it is true that a force appears to be causing the acceleration to increase. The origin of this is not known, but it could simply be down to the true value of the cosmological constant. This was added by Einstein to general relativity to allow for stationary solutions (ie a stationary, stable universe), but has usually been treated as being 0. It is evident that there are probably no such stationary solutions physically - ie the universe must either contract or expand.

  5. its called the big bang theroy.

    read up on it.

    it will expand and expand until it ocasionally just caves in.

  6. 1. There was a Big Bang

    2. Just like any explosion, the debris moves out in all directions

    3. Because the Universe at this start was a vacuum, there was nothing to prevent the continuing expansion.

    4. Expansion is still continuing.

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