
Why USA is the most hated country in the world?

by Guest33672  |  earlier

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Why Russia is not hated as USA?

I know russian girls look 100 times better than British American.




  1. Hated?

    Why then is the U.S. the most desirable destination for emigres from every country on the planet?

    Perhaps you're out of touch.  Or stupid.

  2. We use our arrogance and powerful military to involve ourselves in foreign interventionism in other countries.  Things like imposing sanctions and embargos on other countries, like Iraq, to cause regime change.  Then have our Secretary of State going on national television and saying that the millions of deaths caused by them were worth it, tends to tick a lot of people off.  And Also supporting oppressive regimes, like the Shah of Iran, all to protect our interests at other people's expense.  

  3. The USA defeated Russia many years ago. sour grapes?

  4. you can thank Mr bush for that one.  and yes russian girls do look hot

  5. Umm because we're imperialists?

  6. Our foreign policy, we get ourselves involved in c**p we shouldn't we're sleazy, corrupt, hypocrites, etc...

    But many people dislike us for the life we live. Sucks, but we live in the greatest country in the world(For now, at least).  

  7. Your sister or mom doesn't count. PS- I don't think the Georgians really are your friends right now either.

  8. We're hated because we are the most powerful country in the world.

  9. America is hated and has been since after WWII.  I lived in Germany from Aug 97- JUL 01.  Some Germans I met said the same thing, Americans are obnoxious.  We always stood out and always thought we had the right to do so.  We threw it back in their face that if not for us they would under Hitler still.  We've told the French if not for us, they'd be speaking German and eating bratwurst.  They have said that we are loud and pushy.  We refuse to learn other languages and force them to learn English.  

    The problem with all these statements are that they are generalizations.  Not all Americans are pushy or loud, some of blended in and a lot of us learned the language of our host country.  Not all Europeans dislike Americans.  For the most part, we all get along just fine.  We have the largest number of people coming into our country seeking asylum or just a better life.

    It has become popular to hate America, but when a crisis strikes everyone looks to America to see what we are going to do.  

  10. If you look at our policies we had about 50 years ago, you will know why.

    We use the CIA to overthrow/install puppet regimes, sanction countries to benefit corporations, installed more military bases worldwide, we look like an empire to others. Also, we use(d) police actions in Serbia, Somalia, Lebanon, Kuwait, and others. People just hate the idea of throwing over their governments, sticking our noses in their political/military affairs, while wanting to establish, or wanting more influence on other countries by force, or secretly by using private agencies. Take care, and good question.

  11. Mostly by the Arab nations. Most of the other countries like us but don't necessarily like Bush. Some countries have never liked us and never will.

  12. It has nothing to do with Bush, or with russian girls, even if they are hotter than h**l. Some guys here say that we(the "rest" of the world, that is) don't hate USA because mexican people and other go to the USA as emigres, but actually it's because they don't have another choice, it also happens here in Argentina with bolivians, and of course, there are the same issues against illegal immigrants. Anyway, we (generally speaking, doesn't mean that I hate USA) hate USA, not for all of your people, most of them actually, but it's about the attitude most USAmericans have about the rest of the world. I'm not going to write them down here since many people have already said that, but, for example, many USAmericans think, and I quote: "We are only hated after we help win the wars that start with invasions[..]the moment we go and leave the country to its own we are hated." That kind of attitude is really annoying. Well, if you want some more info, you should check out this site down below. I don't know many people around the world who actually hates Russia, I think it's a nice country, who fought like real heroes in WWII, their language it's just beautiful and they have the Kremlin, it's almost sad that Hollywood made 9999 movies in which the bad guys were the russians, I wonder how that feels. Good luck mate, have a nice day!

  13. i think america is hated more by arabs etc. but most people in america, europe etc hate russia more.

    russia is my least favorite country

  14. Perhaps it is because America has been a hypocrite since WWI and the fact that we think that everything that happens in the world is our problem also and because of so much more.

  15. Source?  To say we are the most hated is a stretch.

  16. Geezz how many illegal aliens are in Russia?  If we are so hated how come everyone wants to come here?

  17. That USA always been importing oil until now, and never use their own reserved oil. If someday, (perhaps within the next 30 years), Arabic country and other places on earth run out of oil, USA would then use and sell their own oil on ridiculous price.

  18. Well good for you? That makes all the difference good looking women. Men can be so dumb.

  19. BUSH

  20. We are only hated after we help win the wars that start with invasions. While we are there shipping in troops food and rebuilding materials we are ok , the moment we go and leave the country to its own we are hated. Can't win no matter what we do it seems. Be sure to let us know when you have a national disaster we are the first to run to foreign aid, the last to leave and the most ridiculed for being there. However it is for the compassion of humanity so they can hate us all they want but we are going to continue being there.  

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