
Why USA keep attakking other contries?

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Why USA keep attakking other contries?




  1. My answer to your question is;

    We are currently being Controlled by Fascists. Who as you know live only for Greed.

    Please forgive us as we are trying to rectify this problem.

    Thank you for your understanding and Patience.



  2. because the USA wants to show the rest of the world that it is the pack leader and has the power to do more harm than good

  3. haven't attacked anyone lately.

    and there were these two skyscrapers.....

  4. Military-industrial theocracy

  5. We can.  

  6. REALLY???????????This is news to me.  The way that I see it is that we have only responded to aggression. If you spent more time LEARNING and less time COMPLAINING you would see that we have never ATTACKED anyone.  If you can give me one example, I will kiss my neighobrs ugly wife right on the lips.

  7. Because they think they rule the world & are greedy for any countries oil or other resources, they have been proved over & over again to LIE to get their way, WMD is an example, but their day will come when they run out of friends & the sooner our gutless government tells them to get stuffed the better.

  8. i think i will go along with MIKE L,i too am british and ex-miltary and i think MIKE L has it nailed,maybe when you leave school and you can spell you might see things in a different light,or learn to use the spell checker,either way you clearly have no concept of of the history of the united states.

  9. Cuz all them other son's of so and so's keep messin with us.  Put that in your hookah and smoke it.  Sincerely, America.

  10. i am trying to think of a country we have attacked, somewhere we were not asked to help.  i guess germany is one, they did not ask for help, but every other countyr in europe asked us to help them do that.   hmm.  still thinking,  ok, here's one  iraq back in early 90s, oh, but then kuwait was attacked and asked for help there too.  and then since then it has only been a cease fire, according to the UN, so that battle is still ongoing.  Oh, here's one: Japan in WW2, finally one were we were not asked to help - oh but wait, we were attacked first.  still trying to think of one.   I give up, why should we start attakking other coutries?

  11. First you misspelled attacking............second you misrepresented your statement by saying the USA. You should have said "why does the GOVERNMENT of USA keep attacking other countries?" The Answer actually goes back to World War 2. During the second world war the USA was attacked by the Japanese on U.S. soil. This started a military movement that to this day is the basis of a large part of our economy. If the military sits idle to long the "government" finds a reason to "help" other countries by using the military. It is not just Republicans it is also Democrats that use this economy booster. Plus if it works out well (the "help") it makes the persons in political power look good. But what do I know I'm just a citizen of the U.S.A. that questions the government for the daily reaping of our Constitution and bill of rights.  

  12. I think like in Vietnam, and today in Iraq, that they should have resolved there problems by themselves. In Iraq all they have been doing like in a lot of middle eastern country is fighting religious wars Sunni and Shiite remeber we should stop trying to resolve there conflict worry about our own like our economy. Let them keep killing themselves off who cares surely not me.  

  13. 1) we have governments that depend on war companies

    2) terrorism

    3) needs to control oil prices

    4) protect Israeil

    as u can see there is no option to free peoples in these countries !

  14. Recall that the United States is less then 300 years old and then look at all the wars before we existed.

    The reason that it appears - APPEARS - that way is because the media covers what they want (its a free press) and tends to go after the easy pickings.

    Do the research yourself and you'll find that many many countries are attacking each other.

  15. USA goes to battle with or commander-n-chief feels is a thrreat to our country. Or we help other country's that have requested our help(like iraq, when they invaded Kuwait) or WW2 when france and england were in troube or when japan bombed us or when Al-kadei bombe us.

    We go to war to help people of other countries i.e. Bosnia, hatati. The real question is why do people ask 4 our help then complain about us And 4 the other peopl with the attitudes, this is a free society, you can leave anytime. so you don't like it BYE

  16. The level of stupidity amongst some Americans never fails to leave me speechless. How can they be so ignorant about their government's culpability in dozens of "regime changes" in the last half century or so? Is the US media really that lacking in incisive reporting? Ok, so for all you who think your government has never attacked another nation, please explain the CIA led bombing & attempted invasion of Cuba? Or perhaps the US backed coups in Guatemala, El Salvador, Chile, Venezuela, Cuba, Indonesia, Surinam, Argentina, Iran, Greece, Haiti, Laos, ete etc, plus the carpet bombing of Cambodia during the Vietnam War, the invasion of Afghanistan & Iraq (neither of which had attacked the USA), the bombing if Serbia (again, never attacked the USA), the Somalia debacle, (again, never attacked USA etc etc)....phew, I'm out of breath.

    I'm English and I am fully aware of my own country's past imperialist atrocities-and I don't try to defend or explain it. What's the US population's excuse?

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