
Why Vanishing Sea Ice?

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Polar bears could face extinction, whales go hungry, and seals have nowhere to rest—all because of the warming Arctic.




  1. I have three penii.

  2. sea lice are a key ingredient in eskimo aphrodisiacs, and also a method of genital stimulation when applied to the pubic region. i have to have them specially imported because of the tragedy that is their gradual but clear extinction. i have thirteen  cats and i can tell you now that the difference between regular fleas and genuine arctic sea lice is astronomical.

  3. I really doubt any of those doom and gloom scenarios come to pass.  What has happened is a part of the natural cycle of things, and in fact Arctic sea temperatures are cooling back to levels that were observed before the 1990's, according to a report from NOAA.

  4. I am a geologist. The earth goes in cycles. We actually just left a warming cycle, and due to ocean currents are entering a cooling cycle - but you could probably tell that if you live near water and are outside much. When I was a child, everyone talked about how we were all going to freeze to death - people have short memories I guess. Anyway, The polar bear does not even have the right criteria to be on the endangered species list. The fact that it was placed there was because of political and public presure. It is amazing what can happen if you frighten enough people.

    The real point is: don't get caught up in what the media tells you and wants you to think. The earth has taken care of itself for millions of years and has had warming and cooling cycles long before people populated it like they do now. No one will get burned any more than they did before, and no one will freeze to death either. Just be aware that in 20 years, some politition will want to cause panic for one reason or another once more, and you will here about how we are all going to freeze to death, but by then we will be starting the next warming cycle.

    CO2 is a small percent of the atmostphere. The #1 "greenhouse gass" is water vapor - it causes most climate change. The CO2 that is there is needed due to plant usage.

    I hope this helps.
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