
Why Vegetarianism? Why? Why? Why?

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GRRR! I've been a vegetarian for several years now, and MANY times I've been asked why I chose this lifestyle. Apparently, feeling any remorse for the poor animals suffering in slaughter houses just isn't an exceptable reason to meat-eaters because they still continue to attack me (verbally). I hate arguing, but sometimes I feel I have to just to defend myself.

Any vegetarians/vegans have any comebacks I can use to shut up stubborn meateaters? (no offense to you meat eaters out there)




  1. Well, one quick way to access the situation is to ask if they are serious about wanting to know when they ask you about your diet. If you feel as if you are being set-up you can just tell them it's your choice and they don't have to understand it but you expect them to respect it just as you are respecting their choices.

    Colleen from Compassionate Cooks has a couple blogposts on dealing with communications as a veg*n (she also has podcasts but I can't figure out how to link to the individual ones yet -- maybe I'll come back in and edit when I do):

    These might help you, but also realize you don't have to defend yourself. Your choice is sane and good. It's probable those trying to put you in the uncomfortable position are the ones who feel defensive as though they realize their diet isn't the best but they aren't able to face it so attack you instead.

    The more research you do the more you figure out how little (and recycled) their points are such as plant eaters need more land (it takes several times more land to grow the plants the animals they eat feed on)... or that tired protein claim...

  2. Just say, "I choose not to fill my body with the rotted corpses of dead animals." What can they say to that :-)

  3. Why don't you turn it around on them and say, "Let me ask you a question.  Why AREN'T you a vegetarian?  All of the research suggests that it's the healthiest and most environmentally responsible way to eat.  What is your particular resistance to it?"

    And when they say, "I like meat."  Then you say, "Well, soldiers in the Congo like rape.  That doesn't make it acceptable.  Child molesters like to bugger children.  It's still harmful and wrong.  Smokers like to throw their cigarette butts out of car windows.  You're going to have to give me something better than 'habit' and 'preference' to explain why you are willing to aggressively kill our planet.  The planet that I'm supposed to help secure for my children and yours."

    How about THAT?

  4. It probably extends to your approach and attitude about being a vegetarian. If you have a hostile manner, they may be tempted to argue. I know plenty of vegetarians where the subject of their diet never enters the conversation. They also don't consider it a lifestyle per se but more of a diet choice for whatever reason. I would never insult their choice by attacking them nor would they attack me for eating meat.

    But we are grown ups and I suspect you are not.

  5. Einstein was a vegetarian, and the list of the greatest minds of our existence continue to make this choice.  I say check out their most famous retorts in the following link...

  6. Tell them that you consider it a small step for a better world. One of the simplest choices to make in order to make a positive impact on our planet and culture.

    Let them know that humans meet the criteria for herbivores, and not carnivores, and all of our nutrition can be gained from the earth and it is most beneficial to do so. No second hand protein and nutrients for me!

    Then ask them what they have done for the planet lately?

    Or just tell them about great vegan books, like green for life, which prove that everything humans need to THRIVE can be handed to us from mother nature, without needing to be injected with hormones and antibiotics for the diseases that humans have bestowed upon domesticated animals used for slaughter.

    Your body is cleaner and finely tuned without meat and it's artery hardening fats clogging your veins. Tell them how many carnivores in nature eat meat and never have HEART ATTACKS AND STROKES!

  7. Yep.  Go here:

    By the way, the people who pick on you are just expressing their own personal insecurity.  Pity them.

  8. Hello!?!?!?!

    Why the h**l would you argue with them!?!?!?!

    You are just proving to them that their comments are getting to you which means you know they are right.

    Do you think that they are right?


    Do you think that they sound like idiots?

    If they sound like idiots, laugh at them or just roll your eyes. Don't even confirm that they are saying anything unless they can use their human intelligence to overcome their complete ignorance.

    Our goal is not to win arguments, it is to live our lives successfully and prove to everyone around us that we don't need meat or other animal products to live long healthy lives. It is also our job to prove we can go months without talking about our diets and accepting everyone else for what they eat.


  9. when ppl ask me..i just tell them tht being a vegetarian is really good for health. It might for religious reasons too.

    And also if u go deeply, becoming a vegetarian helps reduce Global Warming.

  10. When people ask me,  I just say that I felt like a hypocrite.  I liked animals, yet for most of my meals, i was eating them.

  11. There is no real way to shut them up, I am a meat eater and I never understand vegetarians. I know animals are killed for there meat but I see that Humans have done it since the dawn of time (when we first evolved), also apes in the wild actually hunt other primates.

    So a long story short meat eaters are set in there ways just as vegeterians are, both have arguments that they find equal and will never resolve there issues.

  12. I just tell them to get out my face talking stupid. That shuts them up cause i've been told I can look really mean!

  13. I know what you mean, Im not a full vegan, I eat turkey at thanksgiving & occasionally chicken. My dad use to try make me stay at the table till I finished my meat, I never did like it even when I was little.

    It's a personal choice, its not affecting them, they need to get over it. You probaly make them feel less secure, you have a different way that makes them think maybe their way is not the right way, tell them it's just a way. They have the problem, not you.

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