
Why Was Lucky Luciano Called 'Lucky'?

by Guest59957  |  earlier

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  1. I'm guessing - because he was lucky or something.

  2. Charles "Lucky" Luciano was one of the most famous gangsters in the U.S. during most of the 20th century, credited with turning syndicated crime into a nation-wide organization based on legitimate business models. Born in Sicily, he and his family moved to New York City in 1906. At an early age he established himself as a creative thug on the Lower East Side and eventually worked his way up to being a top aide to crime boss Giuseppe "Joe the Boss" Masseria. In the 1920s Masseria was involved in a prolonged turf war with rival crime boss Salvatore Maranzano. Luciano, who by this time had earned the nickname "Lucky" (supposedly by surviving a brutal attack on his life), made a deal with Maranzano and arranged for Joe the Boss to be assassinated in 1931.  

  3. In 1929 Lucky was "taken for a ride" in mob speak by henchmen of Salvatore Marazano. He was beaten, slashed and left for dead. He didn't die though and this gained him the nickname "Lucky".

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