
Why? What is he trying to do to me?

by Guest61457  |  earlier

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I just give birth to my 3rd child on the 21st July 2008, I also have a 5 year old and a 3 year old. My husband the other day was talking about having a 4th! He knows how much i really hated being pregnant in the last few weeks before having my 3rd, As i was just so huge and had aches and pains every where. Is this normal for him to be talking about having another baby so soon? Or is he just taking the pea and thinks its funny or some thing?

I don't want to have any more children and i have told him this.




  1. ask him, why he said what he said.  

    u do get a say in this.  just take birth control and that should do the trick.

  2. Sounds like your husband went to the "I like 'em barefoot and pregnant" school of thought. Talk to your gynecologist about a suitable birth control method and then look for a marriage councelor. Your husband does not listen to you or your needs.  

  3. Tell him you DONT want any more kids, and 3 is enough

    its you who'd have to be pregnant (and maybe look after them while he's working) and you dont want it.  

  4. Does it really matter why he is doing it.  He is a man, there are millions of self help books floating around telling us how to understand them and it's time to admit, we never will.  Their brains are just wired different then ours, or some load of BS like that.  Bottom line is that you do not want any more children.  Either he accepts that or he doesn't.  Either way, you are in charge of your body.  Take precautions to prevent any further pregnancies or tell him fun land is closed till further notice.

  5. My husband did the samething. We only have 1 child and thats all I want. I had a nasty pregnancy and childbirth sucks.

    I dont think it's abnormal for him to want another and talk to you about it. I know my husband talks about it daily b/c it annoys me and he does it to mess with me. I always tell him, if he wants another baby he can do it himself, get pregnant and have the baby cause this mama is finished!

  6. Just tell him you don't want another child. If 3 is enough for you and you didn't like being pregnant there is no need for a 4th child, especially since your baby isn't even a month old yet.

  7. Expalin clamly why you don.t want any more kids. It is you that has to give birth and look after them most of the time!

  8. just say no because 3 is already hard to take care of

  9. I'm sorry but I kinda find it refreshing to see a man that wants another child instead of one who is trying to persuade a woman not to have one. So I have to say good for him there. BUT he should respect what you want. Forgive me for asking but are all the kids his? if only the youngest is then he might want one more of his own  ( I ask because my friend's wife has two girls though her first marriage and he has one on the way with her she doesn't want another one But he wants at least one more) I would just tell him you don't want anymore and since you are the one carrying them that should be what matters. Or suggest that you wait to have this conversation until your youngest is 2 or 3 years old he might change his mind when he goes through the terrible twos again.

  10. Maybe he wishes to have a large family and wants you to bear the pain for a final time and get it over and done with. Because after that, you can have a good time together with all the family!

  11. My husband was a bit like that after our second was born - I think he got broody as they are so adorable when they're newborn and in some men a newborn brings out a real urge to father and protect.  A few weeks of broken sleep, puke, wee, poo and crying soon puts them off though!

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