
Why Won't My Bebo Skin Go Right?

by  |  earlier

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when i make a bebo skin it doesnt actually go on top it goes on my actual profile, and when i put pictures on it goes the shade of the skin not its real colours?





  1. not sure follow this tutorial it will help you

  2. I'm not really sure what you mean about the colouring, but your problem with your picture going over your profile is eeeassy:

    Start on the "Roll your Own" page

    ● (I'm assuming you know how to use the basic bits) For the skin you are making select "3. Edit Stylesheet "

    ● On this page there are three light grey boxes. The middle one, titled "Main Section", has four options;

    Padding Top

    Background Color

    Font Color

    Hyperlink Color

    Where it says "Padding Top" adjust the number until it is high enough.

    If you want your picture to be resting just above your display name i suggest around the 365 mark.

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