
Why Wont My Baby Guppies. .

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I Just Put a Plastic Plant into My Tank But None of The Guppies (Fry) Will Go In It Or Near it. Its Been an Hour So should i Take it Out? When Will They Start Playing in it?




  1. guppie fry tend to stay near the top surface most of the time so if u were to have a plant then they would not go into it try seperating yr plant so some plant/leaves go to the top of yr aquarium they will like this better  

  2. You should take out the plastic plant and but lives plants to put in your tank. It is good for the fry because they can hide in it and eat bits of it.

    They like swimming at the top, so leave the plants floating at the top.

  3. Fish don't generally "play" with the plants.  They may hide in them and they will nibble on live plants.


  4. There is a good chance that they are just afraid of it and will eventually get used to it. Guppies don't usually play with the plants, they are just like a crystal sitting on a shelf in someone's room.  they are more decor than a toy.  I am Almost positive that they will get used to the plant within a week, so don't worry. but however if they still hid from it after two weeks move the plant, and try again, if they are STILL afraid of it two weeks after that i recommend you remove it from the thank.  Ask yourself this: How high is the plant?  Guppies like to stay by the surface of the water, so keep that in mind.  I think your best bet is to give them a little time to get used to it.  Try to think if a giant put you in a tank and put a big giant thing and you didn't know what it was. Chances are you'd find it scary and it would take a while of getting used to.  but eventually you would get used to it.  I hope you found this information useful and if you have any more fish questions i would be happy to answer them. but if you have any questions, think about the guppy's point of view first. you might be able to figure it out without spending 5 points to post a question. Have fun with your fishes!!!

  5. Some fish are smart enough to play or investigate things and keep them interested...but baby guppies are not one of those fish...oscars are! Or other large fish. Take it out, they may investigate it and look at it, but they will not get and enjoyment out of it.

  6. I have baby guppies too and I put plants in the tank.  But I also have medium sized gravel that looks like natural stream bedding, and they like to hide in that.  As they got a little bit bigger they started to hide in the plants.  I would keep the plants in it and let them do what they want and not worry too much about it.  They are after all only little tiny fish.  they don't know what they are doing.  

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