
Why Would Anyone Want to Visit Venezuela?

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As long as the lunatic Chavez is in charge why would anyone spend a penny of their hard-earned money on that country or its (tourist) economy?

Tomorrow is 'Voting Day' there. Everyone vote AGAINST Chavez's plans for big-time reform. Knock this sucker down a step or two from his pedestal.




  1. I go because the women are HOT!!

  2. People, go vote against this! I'm currently talking to family in Vzla and they are telling me people are not voting. Why? you want to live in another Cuba?

    But yeah, responding your question, nobody should go visit, especially anyone coming from the U.S.

  3. Maybe to slap Chavez

  4. How many Venezuelans are on Yahoo answers? That'd be interesting to know.

  5. I completely agree with 'Travel Expert'. I don't think Chavez would call for a vote that he was not absolutely sure he could win. If you look up Megalomaniac in the dictionary the only thing missing from the definition is a picture of Hugo.

    I lived and worked for a short time in Venezuela.The people are wonderful,warm and friendly and it is a beautiful country with an abundance of things to see and do,but I will wait to return until they have a leader that is more moderate and less confrontational.

  6. to experience another culture.....

    Oh yeah, didn't you hear..the changes to the constitution aren't going to happen.  So I guess a few of you are surprised.

  7. I really doubt the "NO" will win as it is obvious that Chavez has the fraud ready. I have been before to Venezuela but never with Chavez on power and will not set a foot there until Chavez is gone. I hope someone has the guts to throw him out of power one way or another.

    I am very glad the NO won but that doesn't mean Chavez will leave power..... Fidel? Hello?

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