
Why Would She Do This?

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So I compete my horse at the KC Youth Fair. This was my first year with my new horse at the fair... and we did fabulous. We worked so hard alll summer, and it payed off.. We caught the attention of some of the older riders that were incredible, and i made friends with some of them. And then on the last day of the fair, the award ceremony took place. I wasnt expecting any trophies, i thought that another girl beat me out for them. but then I won the english combination, western combination, and the trail trophy, and i was ecstatic. In the 6 years i had competed at the fair, i had never won a trophy.. and it was so cool to finally win some.

But then, one of the club leaders e-mailed my trainer saying that i shouldnt have won any of those awards.. and it really hurt. But I know she's wrong, because we looked and compared all the points afterwards, so i dont know why she would say this.. and its not like SHE was competing against me.. i mean, this is a YOUTH fair, she's over 30.

does anyone have any clue to why she would say this? she used to be nice to me.... and i dont know what happened.




  1. She  did it to mean. She is jealous!!!! Don't let haten witches ruin your glory!!!! The judges thought you were the winner & she needs to get over it!!!!  Some people are VERY sore losers!!!! Be proud & don't let anyone take that from you!!!!!!

  2. Did this person have students competing agianst you?  If she did, thanit was probably because she thought her student shoud have won.  I know people like this, they just think they should win all the ribbons and stuff.  I remember when I was competing and this kid got reserved champion, really I should have gotten it because my score beat his.  I though it was really unfair, but I just let it be.  Maybe this person that emailed your trainer has a student who usually won but didn't this time and she was upset that she didn't.  Just let it be, this person needs to be more realistic about things, so what if you won, you did and you have the scores to prove it!

  3. Like everyone else has said - You kicked butt !!!!!!!!!

    You shocked the pants off her with your hard work and determination!!!!!!!!

    Perhaps if she had put her time into practice and not into complaining ( I am Sure she has done this all her life...) she would have been as good as you at your age.

    Oh well - you will be so much better than her because you WANT to be.

    Some folk are just plain not nice...feel sorry for them, and never ever let their nastiness bring you down.

    CONGRATULATIONS and buy another shelf to hold the trophies you are going to win!!!!!


  4. dont lison to them cuz if you won then you won!!!!!! so dont lison to that person it might have been a person you where competing against that was doing a fake call

    serisolly that is soooo rude what that person did and dont worry aobut it the person could have had a son or daghter or whatever competing to..

    good job!!!

  5. wow... dont worry about what she thinks. you wouldnt have gotten the awards if you didnt deserve them. it sounds like she is just sore. lol wow that really is low of her to do

  6. Don't be hurt, just laugh at it! This lady is very jealous that you are such a good rider and that someone else she probably instructs or knows didn't win it. You totally deserve all of those awards, be proud of yourself! You worked hard for them and now your work has paid off.

    Just ignore it and know how immature she is for saying that!

  7. It's great that you won and you worked hard for it- yes that's what outh fairs are about.

    but I hear you say that you 'caught the attention of some older riders' and the whole gist here is that your feelings are hurt because another person said something negative.

    So I'd like to tell you that you shouldn't be doing what you're doing for anyone's sake other than your own.  Getting the attention of other riders isn't the point of the youth competition you're in.  The point and goal should be learning and growing with your horse.  It sounds like if you didn't do this well last year and you ahve this year that you did indeed work very hard and you should nearly break your arm patting yourself on the back because you deserve it for yourself.

    While there may be older riders that you look up to, perhaps even respect and try to emulate, you shouldn't strive to be 'great' in their eyes.  Success being gained from the attention of others is hollow, true satisfaction comes from setting goals, working hard and achieving them, so you've achieved a great success haven't you?

    Thinks about the kids younger than you who look up to you - what are you teaching them?  You should be focusing on teaching anyone around you that hard work and persistence pays off.  Sure, it's OK to think an older rider is pretty cool, but you should really focus on your own success and only view that 'better' person as a means to identify what you wish to be like.  Is that older rider a respectful person of others and their horse or are they arrogant and rude and only consider friends the people of the caliber they are?  If they are these arrogant people (and quite often teenagers are because they are teenagers) then they ignoring learning from every other person they fail to interact with.

    You, on the other hand, should interact with everyone for the sake of learning about people, about horses and about life.  Every person you interact with gives you something without knowing they do - they give you experience in life upon which to draw to build future goals, expectations and wisdom.  By being a friend you never lose anything - you only gain.  In any relationship, you never lose the feelings and knowledge you give away - you still have it and you've shared it with someone else and they've shared with you - your "library" of knowlege and experience is now larger to use and pick from.

    So - think about this other person's negative comments and file them away in your library as an example of what kind of person you DON"T want to ever become.  Don't let them hurt or bother you - because sometimes other people live to only hurt other people, that's the only way they gain self confidence.

    In all my years of being in 4H, and now working sometimes in a tack store with parents and kids, I see this all the time.  Parents often try to gain their own success through their kids.  Parents cause more problems in 4H and Fair events than kids do - kids are there for fun, but parents are there to be competitive and show how great their kids are.  that's just natural because there comes a time when a kid changes to an adult and why they do what they do changes.  Rarely are parents riding along and supporting their kids in what they learn - adults have egos that must be satisfied and often, as in your situation, the kids are the ones that bear the brunt of their poor behaviour.

    So - forget about it.  Smile at her when you see her and show her what a better person you are.  Don't let he see that she's gotten you down - don't ever let anyone see their poor behaviour gets you down - show 'em you're bigger and better than they are.  Always be respectful of others - the way to be respected is to be respectful to others; the way to be trusted is to act in a trustworthy way.

    If you keep these things first and foremost in your mind, and you set goals and achieve them for no other purpose than to prove to yourself you can achieve them and learn and grow, you'll go farther in life than your friends.  If you let people's comments like these get you down, you'll lose focus on your goals and ability to meet them.

    So go home, look at those trophies, remember all the hard work and goals you set and achieved and smile real big - then go out and show 'em again that you deserve those trophies by winning more.  

    Good luck!

  8.   I have yet to see an equine youth competition where this doesn't happen. Whatever the reason this woman may have she is way out of line. You did your part, enjoy your awards.

      If she has a legitimate gripe she should take it up with the judges, sponsors or director of the event. To contact you and make any statement is immature. My guess is that there is jealousy at work here.

      If you're going to compete you need to prepare for these kind of things. Also remember that whenever you succeed at something there may be someone there to try and rain on your parade. It's one of the prices you pay for being at the top but there is no  room for her behaviour in a youth competition.

      By the way, congratulations on your achievements.  

  9. Hun, People are cruel at fair, and all they want to do Is win this and win that, not all people are like this but, I am about to go to my 1st show, and If anyone ever says this to me I would just say " now you didn't win it now did you" Those girls sounded really mean. next year if anyone says anything just ignore them. They are soar loosers.

  10. HA! get used to it and dont take it to heart honey. Its just the way some people our in this industry....which is really sad that they cant just let the kids compete without getting politics involved.

    Be proud of yourself for your accomplishment!!!!!!! :)

    ....go kick some A** again next year ;) and show 'em that uhhh  yea you deserved it!!

  11. She's jealous and a sore loser!  Even adults sometimes forget that the idea is to ride and have fun.  Do be careful with any bragging though.  The only thing worse than a bad loser is a bad winner who can't quit talking about "how great it is".  Be proud of your accomplishment, enjoy the spotlight, and then move on to next year, where you'll be starting all over again.  
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