
Why Would Someone Lie About Their Child Dying ?

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In this question she states ...that they are only allowed to visit so many times NO WRONG if your child is dying you CAN be with them, and someone who is dying wouldn't be places in ICU its for people who are really ill BUT will make a recovery...i think its sick !




  1. Hi,

             No one knows whether this is a true story or not but I don't think if it were my child, I would be sat on a computer typing! I would be spending each and every moment with my child.

          She says her daughter speaks and tells her to let her go as it her time. I would have thought that if her daughter did this it would show some recovery on her part as she is able to talk and use her brain functions.

    Who knows if it is true - it could well be or it could be some person doing it as a sick joke and if so that just shocking and disgraceful.


  2. different hospitals have different rules.  

    icu has critically ill and terminally ill patients.

    sometimes when a patient has a terminal illness, they are given the option to either prolong the life artificially and with lots of interventions (with the hope of prolonging it till a cure is found) or to just let nature take its course.

    maybe she chose to prolong the life.  

    i am not saying that she is telling the truth cause some it does scream "TROLL" to me.

    people lie for the attention, get a rise out of people, get a whole bunch of sympathy and 100 answers.  

    the things that scream troll, is that this is her first question asked.  some people get bored and open a fake email to ask stupid questions. in the hospital i work at the pediatric unit is allowed to have at least 1 parent with them at all times.

  3. coz some people like the attention, that is if she is lieing  

  4. You know there is another person on here that does the same thing! I read in another persons question about her telling her friend that her child had died in a horrible auto accident, and it turned out to be a lie, this person even went as far as to tell her friend the horrific details of the child's death. It was all a lie. And now this person is saying the same child who supposedly died was sexually molested by her neighbour! These are truly sick individuals and need serious help!!

    EDIT: She deleted the question!

    EDIT: well you know it must have been a lie her account has even been deleted!

  5. I know someone who kept up a facade like this for years with a group of friends (me being one of them). She said her dead son was in the baby section of the cemetery and another friend who had really lost a son sent her flowers every year.

    She lost the friendship of all of us in the end, i know she did this for attention but it was a whole lot of other lies that were causing problems that did it.

    I had to know for sure because i couldn't believe that a person could do this, so i went to the cemetery and the library and she never had a son that died.

    Very sad and selfish behaviour but i just pity someone who can go to such lengths.

    The thing is she earns a lot of money in a job that supposedly helps others - what a twisted world we live in.

  6. I agree that it is sick that someone would lie about something like that. It reminds of a guy in school once that wrote a fake suicide note and slipped it on a teacher's chair.  This anonymous person had the whole class nearly in tears as we all offered up support and kind words.  We were so angry when we found out the whole thing was a joke.

  7. If you are in usa, they do things differently over there! What is it with you lot, when i was pregnant and had my waters broken at 30 weeks and my hosp didn't deliver me, every yank in yahoo chat room called me a liar! Get your facts right about different hospital protocols.

  8. it is sick for someone to lie about their chid dying i agree. and god knows why they would. and yes intensive care/critical care are for people who are close to it but wil make a recovery. I would of thought she would have been sent home (maybe) or into a hospice x

  9. I don't know why she would want to lie about her daughter for, she hasn't any thing to gain by it, you could find better things to lie about than saying your daughter is dying, she is not asking for money or any thing so why should she lie.

  10. People are sick, I cant actually belive how stupid people can be.

    Its pretty much stealing all the support from parents that come on here for help and guidance when dealing which the most tragic circumstances!

    Makes me feel sick ;(

  11. Oh My Gosh ..i have just answered this My dad had the final stages of cancer they do not put dying paitents in ICU there is no hope so why would they, ICU is for people who are really really ill but have HOPE ... my dad was placed in a side room and passed away with ALL his family

  12. QUOTE FROM 'real army wife' get your **** straight...and she is from the UK, so you dont know how the hospitals are there.

    HOW does SHE KNOW shes from the UK she doesn't say it in her question .....

    The woman who asked that is a troll IF your child is dying a parent CAN stay with them so get your facts straight REAL ARMY WIFE !

  13. Not necessarily true but i think she is making it up.

    My friends 6 week old baby was dying and was in the intensive care unit until she passed away

    real life army wife is correct im in the uk and this does happen

  14. Plenty of people on here like to play havoc with others emotions. It's sick, unjust and vile but in the end it's all about putting the focus of things on themselves by any means possible.

  15. yeah it seemed like a fishy post... but what are you gonna do, ya know? people are going to do and say stupid things.  

  16. There are lots of "sick" people out there

    (I do not mean sick as in ill)

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