
Why Would a Whole Family Want to Go In Gynecologists Room

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I am a nurse at a clinic at County USC, and I've witnessed a whole family, of a woman meaning husband, dad, grandpa, mother and kids WANTING TO GO IN THE GYNECOLOGISTS OFFICE TO SEE THE WOMAN'S SNATCh.

They all want to come in and view her snatch. I've told the family in Spanish that they are not allowed to see her in the room as only the doctor and nurse are permitted, and room is very small.

Is this a mexican perversion or what? I noticed this only in their culture. I mean this is atrocious. Why would a grandpa, dad or a mother want to see their daughter's snatch is beyond me.

. Are they perverted or deviants? Please do tell.

Give any explanation you can.

I am not being racist. This is a fact, and noticeable in their culture.

That is why I pointed the race in case some of you didn't believe me this happens.

P.S. The whole family is aware she is going to be examined down there, so why do they have to be there? No. it is not an emergency.

And when the entire family comes, not one of these people are working, and they take the kids out of school purposely because mom has to go to the gynecologists. Isn't this sad?




  1. Is the woman pregnant? are they going in to look at the ultrasound and not her actual parts?  

  2. I find it really hard to believe that any professional health care worker would refer to a woman's private parts as a 'snatch' or talk disparagingly about the patients to whom she owes medical confidentiality in such prejudiced terms.  Troll?

  3. Well, my Mother and I watched a show on 60 min and Discovery about a GYN doctor who had raped some Amish women and he is now in Prison. I agree that it is OK for the family to go in the room because they are protecting the women from abuse. When my grandmothers had my parents it was at home and natural childbirth and the whole family was in the room. there would be less rape and abuse of women if the family would protect the women. I respectfully disagree with your question and viewpoint. The old fashioned culture protects the female from abuse.

  4. OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!! This can't be for real. Are they sick in the head or what? I myself would not let my family come in on an exam by the doctor.

    That is embarrassing. Does the patient want them in there or not? Why would she. That is not right at all. She should have the right to say no to her family. They should all know better. Wow! I cant believe they do that in their country. IS IT ALOUD OVER THERE?  Sorry I cant give better answer. I am just stunned.

  5. That is very creepy!

  6. Mexicans get off on seeing snatch

  7. That's really strange.  So they're not just in there to support the person? They're down there checking out her girly parts!? Weirrrrd!

  8. Some cultures place a high price on proven virginity before marriage so maybe that has something to do with this family 'viewing'. Most cultures however it's just FEMALE family members and potential in-laws inside and men are left outside. Your experience sounds a little incestuous.

  9. Did they say specifically that they were coming to see THAT?  I went to an appointment with a younger friend one time when she was nervous, I went in and held her hand.  The key is, what end of the patiend they're standing at.  If they're standing near her head, there will be a sheet and they shouldn't be able to see anything.  If they're standing at the other end .... then it's a problem.

    It could be she was scared and wanted her family in there for support.  That's what I would think.

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