
Why Would friends Do This?

by Guest62571  |  earlier

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I am friends with 2 sisters over 20 years. When they got in accidents I would bring them home cooked meals for both send encouragement cards, and hear them out over the phone. One sister got a very high profile job, and won't even speak to me. The other sister talked on the phone for her while the other one mumbled some things to her.

She said she got my messages but wasn't sure if I had called because my voice sounded weird? And she deleted the message. Said that I had called another time offering to bring dinner and they asked me if my mother had called them which my mother has never called them. The sister told me in the last call: "Don't be like a stranger to us. we are such good friends. Give us a call." And I'm the one always calling or initiating.

Could it be that the sister who got a high profile job think that she is better than me now that she doesn't have to speak to me?

For her birthday, I offered to bring home cooking and a present ( left a message on phone) and she called me back and asked if I wanted to go out with them for dinner? I asked if she heard my message and she said: "yes." Five minutes later she calls me and says I can't go to dinner as they have plans? Your thoughts???




  1. I think that YOU think she's above you, or else you wouldn't be making that assumption about her.  Maybe it's something else.  Maybe you're intimidated by her.  Why would someone stop talking to you because they have a high-profile job?  Maybe she's busy, or maybe you should just ask her.

  2. Man up!

    Even if you are a female.

    Get some self-respect for your self.

  3. People change. Maybe she really does thing she's too good to be around you. I would make my feelings known to her. You weren't too good when she was feeling sick after an accident, you were good enough then but now that she's all high profile you're not. Give her a piece of your mind then walk away. You don't need people like that in your life.

  4. I totally understand your confusion and it does sound like she's being rude and totally inconsiderate.

    I would ask her directly- Frankly, I've got two very busy jobs which keep me going from 9Am- 9PM and if I ever get an evening off all I want is quiet- kind of like a new mother whose partner takes the screaming child out of the house... I love my friends and want to keep in touch but some nights the idea of listening to anyone is physically painful. My solution has been to keep in touch via facebook, myspace, email or by text mail. That way I can keep up on the drama and offer my support but I don't have to actually talk on the phone. Maybe you could try that with your friends and see what their response is...

    If they don't warm up to that I've come to realize that sometimes friends are placed in your life to help you with a certain chapter and then fade as that chapter closes. Its more painful than a breakup with a boyfriend but can be healthy because you find new friends who support the person that you are today and help you grow.

    Good Luck-

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