
Why a 4 is a 5 in selectivity?

by  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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Is it appropriate to approve the selectivity with 4? Should users be a step up this note to the usual 5 other exams? Could you help increase the level of demand for an education system with discrete results on international tests? Or could it be a mechanism to let off hundreds of University students? These are just some of the issues generated by the proposal of the Minister of Education, Irene Rigau, moving from 4 to 5, the score required to pass the entrance examinations to the University (PAU). The main objective is to Rigau, raise the educational level of university students. " If allowed to adopt a 4 can be approved with someone without taking on any subject," he argued.

Since the creation of the selectivity in the mid -seventies, the test is passed with 4. But this score has a relative weight to calculate the reference note of the student, with whom he will choose to pursue their desired career. This note has only 40%, while the remaining 60 % comes from the average obtained in high school. "It was decided to set the 4 approved if the student had a bad day on the exam," says Joaquim Prats, Professor of Teaching Social Sciences at the University of Barcelona, who recalls that the test, contrary to what its name "is not a selection tool, but management and allocation of places."

Prats says that, in fact, Spain is one of the few countries to have a common and uniform system access as is the selectivity. In other corners of the world are the same universities that establish their requirements and select their students themselves.

But the current selectivity has an expiration date, it will disappear in two years due to the implementation of the Organic Law for the Improvement of Educational Quality (LOMCE). Some of the experts consulted believe that the proposal is late, while others consider no wonder the debate, given that some regions may decide to implement their own entrance exams to college, very similar to the selectivity.

In this framework changes, regulatory changes and uncertainties on what the access to the University, students and experts disagree on how to increase the quality of the system and whether to raise the note of the PAU may be a way forward. However, most advocate keeping the current bar. "Okay not be as demanding as a test point in the notes of the two years of high school," Rafa defends Feito, a sociologist at Complutense University of Madrid.

Feito warning that if the requirement of high selectivity outside could become an obsession for the students and to approve the PAU would be the main priority. " So you run the risk of turning the second high school in an academy and devote an entire course to learn to pass the test," the sociologist, who warns that this "risk" also exists with revalidation at School to be implemented with LOMCE.

" The PAU not serve to pass, which, in effect, 95 % of students, but to sort notes " tertiary José Antonio MartÃ_nez, president of the state association of school directors Fedadi, which considers the proposal on Selectivity " partial debate." " We in the classroom are sick of partial debates. When a reform is undertaken to do a serious debate and consider the consequences. You have to be serious, seriously, according to what type of occurrences for even the brightest students can have a bad day, " Martinez defends. He is not in favor of giving more weight to the test result and explains the case of a former student of yours, with bright notes and aeronautical engineer who is now but had his best day in the selectivity and took a 4 in Mathematics.

Students are also shown opposite to give more weight to the results of a marathon review, which focuses up to eight different materials testing in three days. " There are students who take a low note because maybe not interested in many of the subjects to be studied, but after the race dedicated body and soul because they find their vocation," Giner tertiary Inés Sánchez, general secretary of the Coordinating Representatives of Public University students (CREUP). Furthermore, Giner Sanchez says that " many of those who get a low rating are not satisfied with it." "Most studies what he likes. So if they have taken a low note on Selectivity and can not access the chosen career or repeat examination or make other pose no college. " According to statistics from the year 2012-13 of the Ministry of Education, 65% of students starting at the University enrolled the first option chosen degree, and 12% in the second.

Teachers, students and industry experts are aligned with the Administration on the noble goal of improving the quality of education but differ in many ways to achieve this. The first draft call for reform that goes beyond measures that can, according warn, avert many University students. "The system was not improved by the note of a test one day," Sanchez tertiary. " What goes up, quality is not put artificial tests, but the resources: more teachers, lower class size ratio and material resources. But policies are going in the opposite direction: overcrowding, fewer teachers and budget cuts. Let us say that the solution will be a point up the note and not provide more resources, is a laughable argument. They try to mask the real problems, " blurts Ana Garcia, secretary general of the Union of Students.

This line coincides Josep Joan Moreso, president of the University Quality Agency (AQU) exrector of Catalonia and the Pompeu Fabra, where it believes that the focus is on improving primary and secondary education. In this area also focuses its proposals Feito who qualify far Rigau of "spurious ". "First you have to assess competency, because now the selectivity is basically a test to memorize. So it is also necessary teaching competencies. And should disappear or diminish textbooks, lessons given and change some teaching techniques. But we are not doing this. No ancient techniques passed as memorize the capitals and rivers, "argues sociologist.

Some also argued that changes are needed in the University. "In many races the quality problem is not the students, but the curriculum and it seems that these plans are untouchable and can not be reformed, 'says Xavier Martinez Celorrio, Professor of Sociology of Education at the University Barcelona.

Few voices are in favor of the proposed Rigau, but also there. Josep Joan Moreso interprets the idea of the Catalan Minister is " get ahead of what is proposed revalidation introduce educational reform, LOMCE. This test will approve, so introducing 5 as adopted in measuring the selectivity would transition and adaptation for students and the change would not be so strong. " Celorrio considered an "anomaly" that the selectivity can be approved with 4. " Add a point fix a problem of coherence of the system and issue a message more consistent, because a 4 is not an approved ", he argues. Celorrio regrets opposition from universities to some similar measures.

Raising the bar for a point Selectivity is the latest proposal launched by the Catalan Minister of Education, but also used to bet on increasing demand for training future teachers as having a 7 in Languages ​​and Mathematics to access career Magisterium. Idea that has not prospered and generated the rejection of the authority, which warned of the number of students who are left out. In fact, the governing preferred not rate this reform selectivity. "Do we have raised nor discussed. With which it is falling this is the last thing that worries us, "say from the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE).

All parties consulted agreed that the approved increase in selectivity note left in the door to many students. It is difficult to put a figure to its impact, as government statistics tend to not get the notes detailing students and offer only half of the whole autonomous region. However, the Complutense University of Madrid does publish a report with this level of detail, which may give a clue to the students who would be affected. Of the 10,810 students at UCM that were submitted to the test in 2011, the 9,776 approved. If at least five were asked, only had 8,335 students passed the examination, 15% less.

" Many people will be ejected and create inequality. If two students with low grades, the rich can afford a private university, while the poor will find a door in his face. So education will be a right and becomes a privilege, "warns Ana Garcia of the Student Union. " The goal should not be fewer students entering universities. No need to do more selective the University to raise the level, but to improve the level of all students, " Josep Joan Moreso defends.

But beyond opinions for or against, the fact is that the proposal has few Rigau unlikely to be successful. First, the reform of state- selectivity is competition and the Ministry of Education, entering no value initiative, is not the work. Ministerial sources urge the Government to " cut squares in universities if what you want is to increase the score and the educational level of the students." Also, remember that when LOMCE Selectivity into effect disappear, but " universities, Government or any other authority can decide their own entry requirements." The proposal raises concern even within the Catalan Government. The Catalan Ministry of Universities would not appreciate the suggestion. Nor did the Catalans governing.

The president of the association of school directors accused of " occurrence " proposed Rigau and regrets that he had not proposed before. " If we had said two or five years ago would have talked about it, but now makes no sense," blurts Martinez.

From the Students' Union and beyond claim that the selectivity, which are branded as " artificial test " should be deleted. " It's just a way to prevent students to study what they want and what is actually conceals a lack of places at the University. Sometimes there are races that take a eight or nine to go, but this is not required for high skills, but simply because there is no space, "says its general secretary.

Students consider the LOMCE goes one step further and revalidation baccalaureate " supposed to take this exclusion limit and the system can expel students prematurely."

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