
Why a Gymnasics Team Selection Camp?

by Guest56331  |  earlier

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If US Gymnastics held a US Championship and an Olympic Trials to select a team for the Olympic Games, why are they holding a selection camp? Can't the selection team get enough information from an entire season of competitions, plus two championship meets? Why put all those girls through so much?




  1. Idk they did the same thing for the diving thing earlier.

    I think it's because they don't ever do other competitions besides the Olympics other than just practicing,

  2. The girls have improved so much so u cant judge on the previous season there has been injurys and people have healed so they cant judge on that. And thee m eets that is only 2 times so what if some1 was having a bAD GYMNASTICS DAY.

    tHE CAMP LETS mARTA C WHO SHE CAN WORK WITH WHO SHE CAN IMPROVE (whoops accedntaly hit caps lok lol) and who she cant work with or improve

  3. The US Championship was held to find out who would make it to the Olympic Trials. The trials guarantee the top two finishers a spot at the Olympics. The selection team sends all the rest to camp, so they can watch them even more. The whole season does give them a good idea of who will be on the team, but they really want to be sure. Tonight, some competitors made mistakes that they normally do not make. The selection camp is a chance for them and all the rest of the candidates to prove that they can be consistent. The selection committee is looking for consistency and good skill levels.

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