
Why a delta is so fast,faster then ferarri,more faster?

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Why a delta is so fast,faster then ferarri,more faster?




  1. Grammar, sentence structure and a point to the question?

  2. ummmm.....huh?

  3. Please try to get a concept of the english language prior to posting.

  4. Please note the first large, bold face, blue letters right below the last answer given here.   This is called the "category."   Things will go more smoothly for all if questions remotely related to the category are posed.

    It therefore follows, with this combination of letters, questions should be dealing with trains.

    So, to make your question about trains, how is this for an answer?

    Delta, Ferrari, bicycle, horse back, on foot, it doesn't matter.   If any get in the way of an oncoming train, to quote Beetlejuice, "Dead, dead, deadski."

    The truth is, if you're within a stones throw of a rail road right of way, you are in danger.   Heads up and pay attention, and you will live long enough to have your question answered.  Just a hunch, but I would suggest "car makes" as a better place to re-pose your question.

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