
Why a developed country consumes more resources as compared to developing country?

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Why a developed country consumes more resources as compared to developing country?




  1. Because in developed countries, everyone already has air conditioning (electricity) central heating (natural gas and electricity) washing machines and dishwashers (water and electricity) dryers, cars, lawnmowers, fast food places (paper, Styrofoam) computers, machines to do everything for them.

    In developing countries, only some people have these things, while half or more than half of the people in them still live off the land, which uses fewer resources.

  2. We have a higher level of living compared to less developed countries.

    We have access to electricity, we have the money and the time to have and to use cheap consumables which also use energy. eg tv, dvd, air con, computers.

    We have more disposable income which manufactures have their greedy eyes on, so they develop more and more 'boys toys'.  Because we have more money and more leisure time we tend to be more wasteful.

    If something doesn't work, we throw it away and buy a new one.  

    Also, manufacturers have a built in senescence in items; they are only designed to last so long before they break down and you have to buy more.  

    Takes energy to make as well as run these things.

    Hard to do that if you have just enough money to feed your kids, have to walk 10 k to fetch water and are more bothered about having a house withstand the rain rather than the size of your flat screen HD TV.

    If something breaks you fix it.

  3. Pride & greed.  Most people in developed countries (there are exceptions) are spoiled. ( I speak for myself) The more they get the more they want. (greed) If they have everything like already mentioned above, they are proud of their financial accomplishments.  Most people want to keep the things they already have & add to it.  Developing countries are not used to the luxuries and are bassically satisfied with what they already have. If they never had it they don't miss it. So they live off the land ingeneously.  Usually these countries do not have very many resourses to waste anyway....what do I know I'm just an old man.

  4. MEDCs generally consume more resources than LEDCs because of substantially higher level of industry development and people's standard of living. And you know: more plants are built, more raw materials, water and energy is used. And more conveniences are provided, more fresh water, electricity and heat are consumed be people. Moreover, having rather high profit margins people in developed countries buy more goods causing demand for them to rise even higher. This in its turn trigger the increase in production of these goods. Thus, overproduction can easily occur.

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