
Why a wife having affair with another man looks SO MUCH evil than a husband who has another woman?

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it's been the society who took it that way but as for me, the rate of evilness for betraying spouse is just the same... doesn't matter it's on the husband or wife.




  1. It is good to go to the root of things if you want to understand better .

    In the religions i'm familiar with , the infidelity is called adultery . it is the same from either the man or the woman . in Islam and Judaism the punishment for married adulterers is stoning .

    in all cultures nearly the look to the man cheating is not the same as to the woman .

    basically women get pregnant from an affair and this alone is a good reason to why she is blamed

    more than the man .

    nowadays ; because of much advances in medicine and technology , i think women should engage more in s*x with other men other than their husbands . but clearly they should be very careful : like using condoms . it is very healthy thing for her .

  2. Yeah, it should be the other way round, men know what they are doing women are just easily led.

  3. I think cheating is pure evil no matter who is doing it.

  4. Cause men have always been better at dishing things out than taking them. That's why it's considered so much worse when women do a lot of things than when men do them.

  5. it todays society it is the other way round, cheating man = bad, cheating woman = empowered. you feminists cling on to out dated sterotypes in order to maintain you faux status of victm hood.

  6. It doesn't just ask a woman whose husband has gotten another woman pregnant.   I had that situation with a client.   Not only did the wife have to remember - they had to provide insurance and child support.

  7. While I agree with you I think society holds women to a higher moral standard.  Like women seduce men beyond their control or something.

  8. I wasn't aware that a woman who was unfaithful did look more evil than a man who did.  Surely that is a somewhat old-fashioned view?  Do many people really share it nowadays?  It is certainly true that in the past a woman's adultery could be severely dealt with.

    In the 13th century in england, the recommended penance for adultery was that both parties should be whipped naked through the streets.  Thomas of Chobham allowed that a husband who found his wife in adultery had the right to castrate her lover.  On this matter both Church and royal courts were of one opinion.

    But Daniel of Beccles wrote that women found it virtually impossible to resist any well-endowed male, so wives were almost bound to be unfaithful. "One sinful act with her lover" he wrote "will please a wife more than a hundred lawful times with her husband." Although he recognised the husband's right in law to punish the adulterer, his advice to the civilised man was: pretend not to notice. "It is better to conceal your shame as a husband than to disclose the evil that brings a blush to your cheek and grief to your heart."

    Nowadays wives and their lovers cannot be whipped naked through the streets, and the worst that is likely to happen to a wife is that her husband might divorce her.  But then if she is committing adultery she must be prepared for that.  Or her husband might decide to take Daniel of Beccles's advice and forgive her.

  9. It is wrong and hurt full regardless of who is doing it

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