
Why a woman's risk of being murdered by an intimate partner is highest after leaving an abusive relationship?

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  1. I once read that the most commonly found document in the pocket of a woman who was murdered by her ex-partner is an injunction order for them to stay away from her.  Sad world we live in.

  2. I know that this forum does not want true discussions on the issues

    But I will say thank you for bring this, tragic situation to light here

    Unfortunately as you see the haters have already given you no answers, as they have nothing to say, lust look at the comments, like vile vipers...

    one would hope that, some of these people, who claim to be great feminist thinkers would have something constructive to say, something that could help to shed light, and help others, but all they can bring is HATE!!

    The posted article spoke of Jennifer Sue Lessard, 40,

    She was, A 1985 Berlin High School graduate, was a high school track star in Berlin, she holds a record for the 100-meter high hurdles

    She was working as a pharmacist, died May 19 in Gray, Maine, US. Leaving children

    This is sad but is just the tip of the iceberg


    The Mrs. i gave you a thumbs up, right or wrong you have a real point, and that is helpful..

    I saw a recent ‘sad’ article dealing with the slaying of young women in just one state the US it is truly horrific! Beyond my comprehension!

    The poster article, speak of 2 million domestic violence injuries per year

    Sadly in the current state of things, this must increase and dramatically

    It is very sad, but it is the reality

    It is now estimated that the funding on anti-violence programs I the US to tackle this issue will climb to 'tens of billions'

    The results of all of this spending is woeful to say the least as the figures continue to climb

    So the real question is, what in the world is going on? Why the increase, year on year?

  3. it makes sense. during divorce women get everything and father loses rights to his kids in MOST cases. Not to mention the unfair abortion rights. Men cant fight the system so they get rid of the problem which is the woman. Make equal rights then men will not resort to their natural tendency of violence.

  4. The abuser wants to control, and the abuser technically "fails" when the victim has the power to leave...He or she is going to take the ultimate step to make sure they never have power and independence by killing them.

    I think abusers feel a blow to their ego when they know they can't control or undermine their victim anymore.

  5. Abusive partners tend to already have esteem and control issues.  By leaving the woman breaks down both of these.  From what I understand the actual highest risk of being murdered is during the actual leaving...which is why they often advise women to leave while the abusive partner is not at home.

    When the woman has made the choice to leave she has broken down the mans self esteem and control and he has nothing else to lose.  He often wants that control back and by killing her or causing serious harm he gets it.

  6. Control freak with hurt pride who refuses to let her make the final decision.

  7. Because such men can't handle rejection.

    'If I can't have her, no-one will' mentality.


    d**n, catholicmistake got there first :-)

  8. doodlebugjimv2 -  above I so agree, I only wish you had expanded…

    This sad thing is set to continue, and grow bigger and worst as it has for decades

    And these people on here, are indicative of the thinking, living as they do in their snug superior feminist shell.

    Until this type of tragedy comes a calling at their own door

    Course selfish self-centred women, can only think of her own situation and her needs, this excludes any thinking in any way of how any men are thinking of feeling, and I think this would apply even to their 'OWN SON'S' sadly

    We need to start more dialogue that include the life that men are experiencing!! AN NOW

  9. When women kill their husbands somehow its all too clear that she was taking revenge for years of cruelty. The killings Flyinghorse describes - especially the specific example in the link where the man also took his own life - sound like the act of an extremely distraught person lashing out.

    Cue all the feminists saying 'Oh, he's blaming the victim'. Great, but just think about how feminists blame the victim when the victim is a man and the perpetrator a woman.


    LOL!  Yes, of course the fragile 'male ego' is to blame. Silly me for not seeing this.

    How do you feminists expect these sorts of problems to be sorted out when you employ such a feeble-minded and one-sided analysis?

  10. I don't trust stats from bias source.  Especially one from "womensenews"

  11. Yet another feminist fraud on the web.

    Where are all the articles of women who kill their husband *while he sleeps* !  Then these same women get light sentences because they 'feared for their lives'.

  12. He can't stand losing his toy.

    If he can't have her, no one can.

  13. Because the abused woman is an obsession to the male, and if he cannot control the women, he will kill her, so no other man can have her.  It is a psychotic behavior, but strangely common among ultra-traditional males.  They see the woman as a possession, not as a free human being.  Their tiny egos can't handle the rejection.

  14. It has already been hit on by several other posters that the abuser in such a relationship is already on weak footing:  that abusers are very insecure people who must use the abuse as a hammer of control.  In these cases, such control is of the thinnest type... if a dog hates the leash, yet must always be on the leash to ensure against escape, then the dog is most certainly not yours!

    Of course, relationship partners are NOT dogs, but the comparison is valid, in that using abuse to keep control is the thinnest kind of control.  The abuser is, from the get-go, treating the partner as something they would rather 'break' than allow any options, so the well-being of the partner is not and never was their primary concern, only obedience.  Only control.

    Again, the abuser would rather 'break' the possession than not have it.  It isn't surprising that, after murdering a partner or spouse, the abuser frequently suicides because the other person 'forced their hand,' and they cannot live with the current situation.  They cannot live with the realization that, no matter what they were willing to do (up to killing the partner and themselves) they still cannot keep/control the partner.

    As always, insecurity is the active element to an abuser's psychology.

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