
Why according to most reviews...09 Corolla sucks (compared to civic and mazda3?

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ive read a LOT of reviews....and almost all say that honda or mazda is the best overall...and the corolla is dead in last place

why is that?..i thought its the best car out of those 3...safest, best value, cheapest, most reliable...great on gas etc.

am i missing something here?? maybe the corolla is slow compare to those other two i duno




  1. My boyfriend just bought the mazda 3 hatch and I bought the 09 corolla.

    I really love my car, the gas milage is what sold me. he gets alright gas milage, it's hard to tell since his is manual and he drives like a jerk most of the time, but handling wise, i love my corolla. it's so smooth - and with the reputation that toyota has, i wouldn't think twice about it.

    Honda on the other hand seems to be getting more expensive and cocky with their cars, i remember when the civic was a car for college students. Now you have to drop at least 20k to get the base model.

    The corolla is more bang for your buck and the new design makes it a hot choice.

  2. First of all, Toyota makes boring cars. Look at its tailights, grille, etc. Does it look interesting? No. The main thing that people hate about the Corolla is its numb electric steering. It's worse than having no electric steering. It lacks on feedback. It also is slow in accelerating, and the 2.4L engine wastes a lot of fuel. Civic and Mazda 3 are the better cars, but the Civic is better at fuel economy, reliability, and safety.

  3. Maybe on paper they're neck and neck but in terms of other attributes that you can only get while test driving (ride quality, handling, space, etc.) it falls behind the others.

    I've read some reviews on these particular cars too (the sort of market I look at) and I think I'm with you, I don't see what's so bad about it.

    The only things I could gather from some reviewers is that they feel Toyota has become complacent with their new model. Some of them don't like the styling, saying it's too boring (but that's subjective). Others have also commented about its lack of standard features. Some of the reviews have also mentioned that the car is too much of a family car now whilst the Civic and Mazda3 are more exciting and appealling for the younger crowd.

    I think that's what it boils down to. Good question.

  4. the toyota corolla has always been c**p, it was never good, and never will be.

    Toyota's are known as the "lazy car shoppers" car because everyone can buy one with their eyes closed knowing that it'll run forever.

    The toyota lacks in features, the ride is souless, it does not feel safe at all once you take it on the highway. The interior is a petty excuse compared to the Civic, Mazda or the Jetta, and the price? really now? It may seem cheap on paper, but once you get all the basics on it (ie power windows, mirrors, cd player, a/c), it adds up to be more than the competitors.

    I would highly recommend a mazda 3 if your looking for a fun ride, a VW Jetta if your looking for luxury, and a honda civic if your looking for cheap gas and safety.

  5. I don't remember the Corolla ever being best in class for anything. Not knocking it, it's a good car but it's known mostly for it's durability.

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