
Why addicted people like to eat sweet ,whether they are addicted to drugs or alcohol?

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Why addicted people like to eat sweet ,whether they are addicted to drugs or alcohol?




  1. Its all about the pain, pleasure center of the brain and sugar.  Alcohol is essentially sugar at the molecular level and when drinking blood sugar levels rise, especially white wine.  Alcoholics love chocolate for that reason, it gives them a blood sugar spike.  Plus sugar and sweets triggers that same part of the brain that alcohol effects (the pain, pleasure center). It also tastes freaking good.

  2. I had my last drink 25 yrs ago.  For the first few years I lived on chocolate.  It was so bad I went to different shops to buy huge amounts.  I think sugar, alcohol, cigarettes, they all feed and propogate each other.  Complicado.

  3. Alcoholics typically are drawn to eating sweets when they are trying to sober up. There is very high amount of sugar in alcohol, so if you stop drinking your body will naturally crave it.

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