
Why africa is called as an continent &how many states it contain?

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Why africa is called as an continent &how many states it contain?




  1. The Earth had been divided into several parts by water.

    The geologists & ancient scientist who explored the globe, have named these several parts as continents

    They have identified 7 major lands and named them Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, South America, Australia and Antarctica.

    These continents are regardless of how many states / countries they have with in them.

    The Olympic symbol have its rings representing these continents.

    Hope every thing is clear now. Here is a source for more details



  2. Because it is a huge land mass made up of different topigraphical boundries, and I believe it has 61 sates.

  3. Dont you mean Europe? Europe is the one that is landlocked on one side (but since it is its own continental plate.. by defintion it is a continent) Africa is pretty much completely surrounded by water.

    Over there it would be countries, not states!

  4. There are 53 COUNTRIES in Africa the continent.

  5. ****** Satya.  PLEASE have your information correct if you are going to hand out answers! There are FIVE rings in the Olympic symbol.

  6. You is gots crazy Blossom gud Telovousion shoew

  7. Africa has 61 countries and is the second largest continent in the world after Asia.  South Africa is the southern most COUNTRY in Africa n is among those 61 countries in the continent of Africa...

  8. not even chris pronger would be able to survive in africa.


  9. Continent means a big land mass,  so its just like asia, america,europe which is seperate from rest.

    there are 53 countries in Africa Continent, which includes islands of mauritius,madagasca.

    Staying Alive in Africa.


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