
Why after 3/4 years of the oil companies raising their prices and blaming it...

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...on anything and everything else-why after all this time-all of a sudden-four months before GW leaves office -why all of a sudden we need to drill here and now? While already exporting the majority of what they have here and now out of the USA?Aren't they all just so full of sht?




  1. The oil company's are at fault, this is just another way to fool the American people so prices go up and share holders like Exxon Mobil could make big profits. I think their finally getting feedback from the public and now you'll probably see them move their back sides. As far as Bush, I think he'll go down in history as the worst persident this county ever had.

  2. There is no "oil shortage". Even the Saudis said so. Wouldn't the Saudis have an interest in claiming that there is, as it would drive the price of oil up?

    The Republican stunt is pretty unimpressive, too. Great lengths these boot-lickers go to to appease their Big Oil masters.

  3. because when you increase the supply the price will go down.look at what happened when just the thought of drilling here did! the prices fell like a we should be drilling to get it back to 2.00 a gallon.

  4. i'm not sure andi don't know.

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