
Why after a lifetime of thick of thick sperm does it seem water down as I approach 30 ?

by Guest67002  |  earlier

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Why after a lifetime of thick of thick sperm does it seem water down as I approach 30 ?




  1. it's the concentrations of sperm within s***n that make it seem more diluted or more watery.

    As you age, you're body supposedly makes less sperm.  Also, if you're having intercourse over and over, that would also have the same effect.

  2. OK sperm is not thick seminal vesicle fluid is what your talking about and if you drink alcohol it will thin this fluid greatly.  Do you have regular checkups and have you discussed this with your DR. if you are really concerned see a neurologist  

  3. Some of these girls have some of the stupidest answers. Yes It should be thick and even stream out in a thick line or puddle. glob. Sometimes if you change your liquid intake (increase)  the amount of fluid will increase but you should still have clumps of s***n in your ejaculation that are stringy.

    Or you are either jacking to much and still having s*x with your wife or gf or you might just have been doing it much more and have decreased the amout you have right now on reserve.

    If you're really concerned. Don't ejaculate for about 7 days. then take a look.  

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