
Why after installing Avast! Anti-virus solution?..

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Avast! seemed to eliminate my virus, trojan, etc.. problem on my computer but after the installation even if I leave my internet browser open and unactive for 5 or 10 mins it won't let me browse anymore. I'll type in the internet address and it won't let me connect anymore. What can I do?




  1. Probably not and issue with Avast, but either the firewall (Windows or whatever) OR your DSL modem.

    I'm guessing the modem is set to disconnect after idle for X minutes.

    To check (and/or fix): connect your computer to the 'line in' (aka 'DSL input') with the ethernet (CAT 5) cable > open a browser window and type into the address bar " " (no quotes).

    This will take you to the menu for the modem properties.  Here look for 'connection' (or similar) and un check any 'disconnect after X mins.' boxes, and/or check 'always connected'.

    While in this same modem prop. area, disable the 'UPnP' and give the modem an 'Administrative Password' & write this down in your computer unit handbook.

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