
Why after only a week is my mother cat taking her babies out of their spot and into a new one?

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i have my cat and her week old babies in a huge bathtub with towels and a box that is covered with a blanket all of a sudden she keeps taking the out of the tub and putting them on the cool tile floor and acting like she doesnt want ot feed them. im the only one that has been near them to clean up after all of them.




  1. there is a reason people say "a cat would be a better mother" when referring to negligent mothers. If she stops nursing them, you may have to bottle feed them. they make kitty formula. Just keep a close eye on them to make sure they're taken care of

  2. cats will move the babies from the place of birth to move to a less-smelly place to protect the babies from predators (birth smell is VERY attractive to meat eating critters). let her find a new place, then clean all the stuff that was in the tub thing a couple times. She might move 'em back in later.  

  3. Feral cats move their kittens several times after the first week of delivery. They seek cleaner, better lit, more area to play, and safety for their kits.

    Indoor cats will do a lot of the same things for a lot of the same reasons, but it can be surprising to humans who have created all those great little hidey-holes for the new family. The mother cat will probably want to set up housekeeping somewhere that you do not think is a great place, like in your bedroom under the bed.

    Let her choose her place and settle in. Maybe it will be someplace suitable. Congratulations on the new family. Is spaying in your cat's future?

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