
Why alcohol contains calories??

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Why people become fat consuming alcohol???




  1. Many alcoholic drinks contain minimal calories on the fact that it is energy. But beers and whiskey contain more calories because they are made of crops. Wine is grapes.

  2. A calorie (technically a Kilocalorie) is a unit of energy. Your body converts food (including alcoholic beverages) into stored energy, otherwise known as fat.

    Straight liquor generally has fewer calories. More importantly it has very few (if any) carbs and no fat. Whisky has around 100 calories per 1.5 oz/45ml

    Wines have between 100 and 200 calories, depending on the variety, some carbs (usually less than 5g) and no fat.

    Liqueurs are all over the place. Godiva, for example, has 83 cals, 11 carbs and no fat while Yukon Jack has 163calories, 10 carbs and no fat.

    Beer varies too, Guiness has 128cal 10 carbs Coors has 142 10, Bud has 145 11. Light beer tends to drop the calories a bit and the carbs a lot.

  3. Successful weight loss is all about oxidizing (or burning), more calories than you eat. When they go on a diet, many people choose low-calorie alcoholic drinks, mainly because they contain fewer alcohol calories than their regular counterparts.

    However, drinking too much has a far more damaging effect than you can predict simply by looking at the number of alcohol calories in a drink. Not only does it reduce the number of fat calories you burn, alcohol can increase your appetite and lower your testosterone levels for up to 24 hours after you finish drinking.

    Alcohol calories

    According to conventional wisdom, the infamous "beer belly" is caused by excess alcohol calories being stored as fat. Yet, less than five percent of the alcohol calories you drink are turned into fat. Rather, the main effect of alcohol is to reduce the amount of fat your body burns for energy.

    Some evidence for this comes from research carried in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition [4]. Eight men were given two drinks of vodka and sugar-free lemonade separated by 30 minutes. Each drink contained just under 90 calories. Fat metabolism was measured before and after consumption of the drink. For several hours after drinking the vodka, whole body lipid oxidation (a measure of how much fat your body is burning) dropped by a massive 73%.

    Rather than getting stored as fat, the main fate of alcohol is conversion into a substance called acetate. In fact, blood levels of acetate after drinking the vodka were 2.5 times higher than normal. And it appears this sharp rise in acetate puts the brakes on fat loss.

    A car engine typically uses only one source of fuel. Your body, on the other hand, draws from a number of different energy sources, such as carbohydrate, fat, and protein. To a certain extent, the source of fuel your body uses is dictated by its availability.

    In other words, your body tends to use whatever you feed it. Consequently, when acetate levels rise, your body simply burns more acetate, and less fat. In essence, acetate pushes fat to the back of the queue.

    So, to summarize and review, here's what happens to fat metabolism after the odd drink or two.

    With 7 calories per gram, the number of calories in alcohol is second only after fat (9 cals/g).

    The calories in alcohol are metabolised first by the body, ahead of burning fat - which is not desirable if on a weight loss diet.

    Nutracheck's weight loss service doesn't ban alcohol, but instead gives you a tool to monitor the number of calories in your diet from alcohol. Your food diary includes an Alcohol Monitor that tracks daily and weekly intake

  4. all alcohol contains calories,

    1 mug of beer 250ml,     150 cal

    1 glass wine                  120 cal

    1glass rum @ diet coke  133 cal

    1glass rum @ coke         182 cal

    1 glass baileys iris cream 468 cal

    so the more you drink the more calories you consum

  5. Alcohol has no calories in it. Mixed drinks and wine do. Beer does....some light beers have almost none. a shot of JD over ice with diet coke has maybe one calorie in it.

  6. Calories are basically energy. Alcohol is energy!

  7. Simple. Alcohol is a carbohydrate. Carbohydrates translates into energy. Energy also equals calories.  

  8. Simple answer, Alcohol is an appetizer means it increases hungreeness by stimmulating secretion of digestive juices in the upper part of the GIT especially in the mouth as well as Stomuch. So the persons who consumes alcohol, take more food intake comparitively the same person without consuption of Alcohol. More food intake means more calories will be produced in the body. This  high calories will accumulate in the body. Thus the people who consuming alcohol become fat.

    In the same way, Cosuption of alcohol also show its adverse effects. If you consume more quantity of alcohol as well as no or less qty of food, It causes weight loss and Acidity & ulcers.

    The people who take alcohol as a medicine, could gain weight.

    In case of Beer, It is bitter in taste. All the bitters are appetizers. also it contains 10% to 15%  of alcohol. Hence this is a perfect medicine.

    we can conclude that Alcohol itself having no considerable calories. It is an appetiser which stimmulate food intake.

    Beer is a better appetizer than other liquers.

  9. some fruits have calories. so alcohol mad by some fruits liquid

  10. Because Alcohol become digested in Stomach it is the only thing which is digested completely in Stomach within 1 hrs time only and produce maximum energy within short span of time and is finaly converted to fat thats why alcohol consu,ers become fatty.

    Thank you hope fully you got your answer.

  11. because they enhance the metabolic rate.when man try to eat something.they talk much meal.

  12. call me &  will give you good ansu

  13. Yes, alcohol contains calories. Make that BIG calories. This is why not being able to resist a drink at a social do is a weight-watcher's nightmare come true.

    Another misconception is that alcohol is a carbohydrate.

    Alcohol is most definitely not a source of energy. What alcohol molecules do is affect the brain to make one feel euphoric -- this is often mistaken for energy.

    The calories derived from alcohol are called 'empty' calories because they contain no beneficial nutrients such as vitamins and minerals.

  14. they are full of sugar  

  15. As per my opinion, people will becoming fat not because of the alcohol they are consuming. It is due to the snacks they are eating along with the alcohol.No person is going to drink with out non- veg. If he is a vegetarian he will take fried items. So, that is the reason the people are fat after consuming alcohol. It  dost mean that the alcohol is not heaving calories, it is,  but not greater than the fried and non veg food.

    For example, the low class people who drinks daily, may not be fat. Because they will not use any snack or food during drinks, because of their financial condition. Please observe.

  16. not all alchohols contain calories,only beers and wine products do because they are fomed from sucrose or simply sugar

  17. alcohol decrease to use calories in human body.......

  18. yes alcohol contain calories........ why means its mode of preparation by the high energitic carbohydrates.......... when this alcohol is taken it effects the digestive system and it enhances the rate of digestion and so the people feel more hungry and so they fat.......

  19. because it contains

    1 barley

    2 wheat

    3 water

    4 co2

    5 proteins


  20. mmm it is a tragedy to all

  21. as we know very well that the liquor has the best capacity to increase

    the extent of appetite .whenever the guy takes this liquor he gets appetite

    at much faster than the normal .

    more than need meal often rise the cause to be fat.Mostly the fats is

    stored in our body after having the meal with liquor that is also responsible

    to be fat guy.

  22. bcz they know only take & do not wann 2 go far a mrng walk!/u know wt i men?

  23. Alcohol contains calories in the form of energy. In ethanol this energy is in the form of the bond of the hydroxyl group (OH) and the 2-carbon substrate. When the bond is cleaved energy is released. This energy is measured in Kcal units.

    People become fat from excess consumption of calories weather those calories are from food sources or alcohol. When consumed together the energy from alcohol is easily and rapidly metabolized by the human body. Thus other calorie sources are often stored as fat.

    In the case of mixed drinks other sources of calories are introduced such as simple sugars.

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