
Why all Irish people have falling cheeks, thin lips, pointed upwards nose...?

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...freckles and red curled hairs?




  1. Ever been to Ireland???

  2. we dont

  3. not all Irish have red hair n freckles don't generalise so much

  4. they dont particularly?

    but they are very beautiful, have high cheek bones, lovely colour skin/complexions and cute noses - oh yeah and very nice legs!

  5. May I correct you, whilst I have red curls, freckles, pointed upward nose (have high cheek bones which are now starting to fall) I don't have thin lips!  And all of my grandparents (all Irish) had very dark hair.

    Its genetics!  Red hair and fair skin is genetic evolution, because of the cold weather in regions such as Ireland and Scotland it enabled people to absorb enough vitamin E to keep them healthy (people with red hair and fair skin absorb up to 50% more vitamin E than others which is why the sunburn so quickly) .  Also everyone starts of with red hair when they are in the womb, and if you have parents with very strong genes such as very dark hair, they cancel each other out and the baby has red hair!  They reckon something like 40% of the population of Ireland carry a recessive red hair gene!

    However think you have sterotyped a little, its like asking why does everyone in france have brown hair.  The truth is some people in france may well have brown hair doesnt mean everyone does!

  6. dunno its like people use sly stallone picture as an avatar,,its all in the imagination!!!!!

  7. Where did you hear that?

    I'm from Northern Ireland (though consider myself British) i have brownish blond hair and my cheek bones are quite high. What you believe is just a stereotypical view. I rarely see anyone with ginger hair and most females where i live have bleached blond hair!

  8. You are simply stereotyping people.   There are people of all creeds and races who have these features and the percentage of Irish ones who have will be similar to those who are Welsh, English or Scottish.  Have a look around you!

  9. The Corr sisters don't

  10. I think you've been watching to much TV, they're not all leprechauns and they dont all river dance either.

    Giant Leprechaun - LOL

  11. dont know - but they have lovely accents

  12. irish people are very good looking with lovely eyes. they take a lot of stick off people they are very laid back which is good in this day and age. so leave them alone. i am not irish myself but have a lot of irish friends and find them very kind and genuine people.

  13. Haha! It's like saying all Chinese have slit eyes and flat noses which a certain member of royalty once remarked upon.

    I'm sure it's a misconception, on your part :)

  14. i think u have genralised irish people too much! i think that u have been watching to many movies and think u have a very narrow mind if u think that just because someone is irish they have "falling cheeks thin lips and pointed upwards noses freckels and red curled hairs" then i think u need to grow up!

  15. If they all have those features, it's so they could all be tarred with one brush, which you seem to have done quite well.

  16. you k**b, What utter c**p

  17. Not all Irish do. The ones you are speaking of are the red Irish. I am 85% black Irish (dark hair, thin lips, upward nose, and green or blue eyes).

  18. Nah m8 think your irish female friend looked like that :)

  19. Oh, you're half naked in that picture.

    Put some blessed clothes on, you're not in Rio de Janero you know!!!!

  20. how ridiculous.. i'm Irish and have none of those traits, neither do any of my relatives, my boyfriend or any of my friends.. in fact no one that i am friends with has ginger hair. I don't even know what you mean by falling cheeks.. crazy stereotyping

  21. my cheecks are perky my lips are plump and my nose is forward... i have straight red hair, and no freckles...but i am half german so nevermind.

  22. Do they really?

    Your an english protestant arnt you,

    well my great uncle was in the I.r.a so suck that , haha killed your fat bald headed, english knacker family's.:)

  23. you forgot the main characteristic...the women have beautiful eyes...

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