
Why all customer services staff are indians???

by  |  earlier

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i'm sick of not understanding their english when i try to seek help. be it banking, airline luggage matters, etc!

why do indians like to work for uk companies??????





  2. ahahaha

    funny, im always like "why the h**l dont any Indians work here! i need to speak to someones whose Indian!"

    i live in the us and the people are usually Chinese,Filipino or Mexican or something else foreign like that and they have names like "john" "wilma" "steve" "fred" ahhaha i think its just hilarious.

  3. believe it or not it is true all customer service staffs are indian or from any part of the world the reason for this being is because... every  company loves saving money they try to save as much money as they can... the average hourly income for customer service staf should rang anywhere from 13 dollars to 20 dollars an hour... but in any country like india the average customer service can range from 3 dollars to 7 dollars an hour... there for paying them 5 dollars or less the company can save much more money by paying them 5 dollars every hours when compared to 20 dollars every hour... its all about saving money

  4. This is because it is much cheaper to outsource these customer service jobs to india. Cheaper wages equals bigger profit for the companies, sad but true! This has caused many hard working people to lose their jobs in said company.  

  5. The reason you so speak to Indians or other races that do not speak American English is due to the fact many major corporations utilize outsourcing and outsource to other countries as a cheaper form of labor as well as provide service to its consumers on a 24 hour basis.

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