
Why all of a sudden is Russia angry with the USA?

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I'm hearing news about Russia getting really angry with us.

What is it all about?




  1. Because United states is planning to put an anti-missile in poland by 2012 for protection.

  2. We invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, and are condemning them for invading Georgia.

  3. I hERD IT WUZ bot summ stuff in georgia

  4. It's their turn.  America has been mad at them for years.

  5. When the Soviet Union broke apart at the end of the Cold War, Russia felt like it was losing a lot of influence when the other Soviet states became independent. One of these states is Georgia. There are Russian minorities living in some parts of Georgia, such as South Ossetia.

    The USA and some countries in Western Europe had already promised that Georgia would become a NATO member country. That would put the defense organization that was Russia's former Cold War enemy right on Moscow's front lawn.

    Now, it is unclear how much Russia was responsible for this, and how much trickery was involved, but for some reason, Georgia sent tanks into South Ossetia (which is Georgian territory, but has large numbers of Russians living there). This move gave Russia somewhat of a justification to send an invasion force into South Ossetia and other parts of Georgia.

    NATO, the US and Western Europe are now demanding that Russia withdraws completely from Georgia, and at least the US and Germany have again hinted at NATO membership for Georgia.

    Russia believes the former Soviet republics are in Russia's sphere of influence, and that the US isn't letting Russia do what Russia wants.

    And that's the last 10 days in the Caucasus in a nutshell.

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