
Why all other arabs jealous of Lebanon?

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thers like a million question abiut y are lebanese ppl so stuck up...or y do we try to distance ourselves from the arabs...or y we like to think of ourselves as Europeans.....well thats how leabnese ppl are...y do u care...just leave us alone!!!!




  1. why you jealous from the Arabs who are jealous from Lebanon ?

  2. Hahahahaha why should other Arabs be jealous  of Lebanon?don't you watch news?!!! that's a real joke.

    Im Egyptian and we DO love lebanon.

  3. how dare you guys say half the world dont know what or where lebanon is.

    i bet those who said and agreed to that dont know their biological fathers either.

    lebanon is in the bible over 75 times morrrons.    

    shakira is lebanese

    saab carmaker is lebanese hayek...sammy hagar...tony salloum...

    all lebanese just a small list that was.

    you are exceptionally that i said my peace let's be serious:

    jealous is a bit strong.

    they are most envious, the majority i find admire us and respect us. some of them like jordanians and egyptians love lebanon and fairuz and sabah...our food   our climate...etc


    the only jealous ones are the palestiniens and the syrians.

    lebanon is the chest and the front page and  the modernizational alpha of the middle east. just as it was in the begining,  the land of the alphabet(phoenicia) we invented it   we owned it. we sold it cheap. that's forsure

    dont you forget it.

    honor loyalty and sacrifice

    long live lebanon  master  free and  totally independant of foreign hands


  4. Arabs are jealous of Lebanese because we are not like them, we can adapt and succeed in other socities and not resort to driving taxi or working at convenience stores.

    They hate a lot of us because are not Muslims and we are proud of it.

    They hate Muslims because they are Muslims and they do not live under a hegemonious society.

    They hate us because Lebanese Christians, Muslims (shiite) and (sunni) and druze can live together in peace......

    They hate us because we have the best food.

    They are jealous of us because the Lebanese women are the most beautiful.....

    They are jealous because we do not call ourselves Arabs but call ourselves Lebanese and are proud of it....

    They are jealous of our cedar trees and beautiful ski resorts

    They are jealous of our beaches.

    They are jealous of our night clubs, food and restaurants....

    They are jealous of our succeed in the world........

    They are jealous because we can vote and be free in our own country......

    I can think of more, but i will stop for now :)

  5. I am Lebanese, but really. Get over yourself.

    I consider myself Arab, because that's what we are. Anyone who considers us European needs a reality check.

    It's true that not many people know about Lebanon, and that's a shame. The culture is beautiful.

    And the American up there who was talking about 'War all the time', should look at her president and then wonder who's to blame there.

  6. Jealous of what? War all the time? Get over yourself.

  7. Sadly , Jennifer is right ! Half the world doesn't know a thing about Lebanon  & most don't care anyway...

    It's their loss & as one who is across both cultures I feel I can comment with some authority..

    The arrogance that is inbred into western culture over generations of colonising others & having them subserviant still hasn't disappeared . We have this inbuilt  " Raj " mentality going back to the days when the sun didn't set on the British empire...Well those days are long gone & it's about time people in the west realised that we are seeing the rise of a new  " empire " & it won't be dominated by the west !

    Lebanon has been one of the most colonised of all nations & only in the last 50 years has been trying to make its' way in the world on its' own.Unfortunately others don't want to let it progress & continually impose their will on this small nation it any wonder then that Lebanese struggle at times to maintain their national identity..?

  8. don't care about them we are the best

    they talk a lot about us because they jealous if they are not then why they have no other topic to talk about but Lebanese and Lebanon

  9. It's amazing how the tone of these answers correlate to the question asked.

    Everyone needs to CALM DOWN... its not that serious of a question...

    Anyway, I think the arab world does try to imitate us, we arnt called the paris of the mid east for nothing....

    Sorry, but thats how i feel

  10. i am lebanese... and from what i know we are not stuck up and  my family does not think of ourselves as europeans we are what we are and we are lebanese. i dont want to be anything but what i am because its who i am. i love my culture because its my culture and its how i was raised. i am not stuck up i am not trying to distance myself. infact i am trying to leanr more ABOUT where i am from  where my family comes from.

    i love lebanon.

  11. elly mosh 3ejbo ydo2 raso ...

    to2o mooto .. 3arab Jarab ..

    Lebanese Rule Over All ...

  12. hahaha  noone is jealous of Lebanon, get over yourself, half the world doesnt even know what Lebanon is. Sad but true.

    and you are not European... seriously who are you tryiing to fool? You are Arabic. Lebanese are Semetic just like the rest of the Middle East, the ancient Phoenicians were semetic people just like the Arabs, so dont try to pull out that  whole "phoenician line".

    Stop comparing yourself to Europeans, you have nothing in common with them, - either culturally, genetically or geographically.. Come to the UK and say such things and see whats going to happen to you. Sheesh.. pathetic!

    This is not referred for all the Lebanese... but only to a certain group of Lebanese people who deny their heritage and pretend they are something they are not. I have encountered many of these people, & i am sick of hearing their ignorance, and one thing i say to them: WAKE UP!

  13. To you morons above, he mentioned why ARABS are jealous of us, not the world.

    We're not European ya Jennifer. We're Lebanese, Semetic people, Phoenicians, not Arab nor European. But we are similar in culture to Europe. Come to Lebanon, see our women, come to our nightclubs, do our activites. We're very Western in culture.

    Arabs aren't necessarily jealous of us. Rather, they envy our liberal society considering our position in the Middle East.

  14. i agree with jessica

    im sorry but like everyone said get over urself i hate mentalities like that

    just cuz u are lebanese doesnt make u better than anybody else

    likewise just cuz someone might be palestinian or egyptian or whatever doesnt make them better than anybody else

    thats arrogance, if i may remind u that out of ARROGANCE the devil desobeyed God and was sent down from heaven, so when u say stuff like that how does that make ur actions any better than the devil himself?

  15. @ Anglo Quebecker : they probably just hate you because you´re full of yourselves !

  16. Yes I'm jealous of you you have a stupid guy called Hasan nasralla  but i don't  i only have the older guy al sadar

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