
Why all people these days act like a psycho?

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why all people these days act like a psycho

or they have really became a psycho




  1. there looking for laughs.

  2. We all go a little crazy sometimes...

  3. i want to be a psychiatrist!

  4. I actually do not believe all people have become psycho.  At least the friends I have (for the most part) are just normal people. I have known some "psycho's " before but I do stay far from the if possible.

    The only one you can control is YOU. Don't become one too !

    If you hang around them much it is easy to pick up bad habits.

    Create your own habits and follow your own dreams in your life.

    Do not  not interact with psychos !  Let other be just who and what they are but YOU follow your own beliefs and behavior.  Becoming all you can in your life. You can do anything you think you can if you believe in YOU !

    Grow and mature into the best you ,  you can be !

    I found a personalized book, that I recommend to everyone that will change your life forever.  Find out and get a revelation that YOU don't have to be like everyone else but YOU can be a powerful and happy person.  Just get to know yourself and choose who your are and what you believe in...That is your foundation for a great life which YOU deserve... This personalized can be found at the site below. You can fill out the first page of info and actually see your own book with your name throughout the book.  Daily readings will change your self confidence..There is a journal in the back of the book and that is great also. Be the Best person YOU can be.  Learn to love yourself and respect who you are... You deserve the best in your life..  Go after it for YOU !

  5. we are all prone to insanity, because we all are insane to begin with.

    the thought process of some people is unfathomable

    so dont think about it

  6. Unless you have a reliable study supporting the assertion that *all* people act like they have an anti-social personality disorder (which I assume you mean by "psycho". Or, alternatively, that *all* people fit the criteria for at least one psychological disorder) I would suggest your perception is biased, and you should attempt to be more objective about life in general.

  7. There are too many "rats" in this cage we call  Earth. People need space, just like other creatures in the animal kingdom.

  8. I wish I had the answer to this one..and I am glad that someone other then me sees this too! People in general are getting crazier

  9. Wow... the stupid question factory called... breaks over

  10. um i guess that you have a dark outlook on life because i don't think everyone acts like a psycho in fact i know quite a few sane people

    maybe you should find yourself some friends or something

  11. WOW...maybe you need to change your friends none of my friends are psycho's nor do they act like psycho's.........change your group of friends and you will realize this world has some wonderful people in it.

  12. First, I don't think everyone acts like a psycho, unless by "all people" you mean young adults and teens, or your are confining yourself to TV!

    Second, a sizable number of young adults act dysfunctional, like victims, to gain sympathy in order to be able to freeload.  I call it also "protracted adolescence." Part of it is not their fault; it's the result of a decided lack of opportunity in today's job market.  Part of it is, the giving up,  giving in to discouragement, wimping out.

    Living alone, away from people, is a choice, but not easy.  Our society in interdependent (you need money to buy food and a place to live, etc.).

  13. They dress up as their mother and murder women at the hotel they run? I haven't seen that much of that. Must be a regional thing.

  14. not all people act like psychos.. just the psycho ones..

  15. because they're afraid of the birds!!

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