
Why all roads leads to Rome? ..?

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Why all roads leads to Rome? ..?




  1. Adding to what Kelly wrote, the expression still applies to modern times.  If you have ever driven in Rome, you will know that Rome is surrounded by the GRA, or "ring road".  It is very easy to get to the center of road from the GRA, and the ways are very well marked.  Getting out is another matter, entirely.  If you don't have a GPS (and even if you do), you will get lost.  There are so many confusing one-way streets and contradictory road signs, that you can't get out unless you KNOW your way.  So, all roads lead to Rome, but good luck finding one that leads out!

  2. back when the Roman empire was in power, all main roads really did lead to the city of Rome. This was because Roman soldiers had to be able to get to and from the capital to do campaigns and put down uprisings. it was also a bonus for trade routes, because even back then there were thieves and robbbers, but those tended to be less likely to strike on well traveled roads. it took them (the traders) to the city and out of it w/ease. hope this helps.

  3. When Rome was the capital of the Roman Empire, it was actually the capital of the known world. Rome was like the hub of the world, and all roads and sea routes lead to it.

    This is an alien concept for us now, because we have no city like it now. (There is no capital of the world.)

  4. all the roads leads to  Rome because in the past  it was considerated the capital of the world.

  5. Kelley and Juan are right

    I just add that nowadays we say that when you have more choices to obtain the same result.

    It could be different roads to reach a place but it can be also figurative, like different ways to run a business or to approach somebody or whatever.

  6. It's a saying from Ancient Rome.  And when you are in the center of the Roman dynasty, you can have luxuries like that.  

    All roads lead to Rome because the Romans had them built.  To put Rome at the center of trade, and to put Rome in the center of military strength (troop mobility)  Cities couldn't easily trade with each other, and couldn't build military alliances as easy if the Roads didn't connect them with each other, only with Rome.

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