
Why all the attacks on AP's and Adoptee's this morning?

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With all the apologies and Kumbaya the last few days I thought the attacks had calmed down. Today the questions are the same old attacks on "entitled AP's" and "Ungrateful Adoptee's". Does any one else get tired of the same thing over and over?




  1. yes... I got on here this morning after i took a break. only to see the same age old statement "be grateful you weren't aborted." This statement among others to get a point across is very uncalled for, because in a way it is insulting. I"m tired of these statements and everyone's answers who may be different being dismissed.

  2. Yes.  Utterly fed up with it

    Who started it?  oh yes, the you're lucky you weren't aborted statement . . .

    Sorry Cam :(

  3. I agree... I don't think that it was started by someone asking "why are people hard on PAPs" How is that an attack on anyone? It's not.. it's a plea to respect each other!

    It could have been caused by "Grateful you're not aborted"  that's not a right thing to say at all

  4. I am inured to it, as an adoptee, I have been hearing this kind of thing all my life, you could have been an abortion, ie I don't have a right to live much less an opinion, aren't you glad that your mother gave you away? WTF?

    I don't expect people to understand or treat me with respect as my family abandoning me has made me less than in most people's eyes.

    I like the other adoptees, not all, but a lot, I feel a speical kinship with them.

  5. she did it , she did it, not me, i'm innocent, neener neener neener.

    hope you sense my sarcasim. I just can't handle the finger pointing today. Thats the best I could come up with. Thanks for trying Cam, you seem like a mediator of the board today.

  6. Yes, and I don't see a compromise anytime soon.

  7. I just found jm's question and wow...looking at the answers, what an attack fest...

    People jumping right in to attack the "anti-adoption people" and "that group of people who always..."

    You KNOW what I'm talking about.  It was VERY passive-aggressive toward the adoptees.  Maybe it wasn't asked with that intention, but the people who answered sure did take the opportunity to jump right in there and let the bashing begin.

    Everybody is guilty, EVERYBODY...that includes the AP's.  So quit the holier-than-thou attitudes and let's just DROP THIS already.

  8. Actually it started yesterday with the "Why is everyone so hard on us AP's?" and everyone taking the opportunity to jump on the adoptee-bashing bandwagon.  I thought things were supposed to be nicer, too, but obviously certain people just couldn't hold back for even a day.  I'm not entirely sure, but I think a lot of today's fun-fest is irritation in response to yesterday's breakage of the so-called truce and a lot of today's outright treatment of adoptees like little kids, as usual, with the "be grateful" line of b.s. being flung more times than I can count on one hand.  And it's not even lunch time.

    I don't know.  That's just my take on it. And I've even been trying my hardest to be nice and respectful.

  9. We neeed another Kumbuya break . . .

  10. I think the ones that make comments that are disgusting are from people are uneducated and have no idea the back bone of APs and adoptees. I think that people like you that come on here with valid questions and answers are the ones that make a difference in peoples lifes not the ones that talk out of their @ss. This goes with alot of questions period. You have people that have sincere questions that want answers from true people and they get answers that people just blow out not thinking. What happened to think before you speak!

  11. I think this is the way it will always be, unfortunately- on other sections here it can get the same way, just with different issues- and yes, it is sad- being an AP and an adoptee both, I feel attacked this morning- however what I have to continually learn to realize is that some people have had horrible experiences and they can only ask questions and answer questions based on what they have experienced.  I just hope and pray that one day we will learn to respect others opinions

  12. I am so tired of it......I want to get down to the questions with answers whether they be: insightful.....raw......fuzzy.....real.....

    Let us ALL get back to Q & A!!!

  13. Lillie feels that I started it by asking why this site insists on demonizing adoptive parents.

    If you go to my question you will see that most of the nasty comments and most of the thumbs down were made by anti-adoption people.

    I am neither an adoptee nor an AP.  I just wanted to know why people are so hateful to people who simply want to be parents for the same reasons birth parents do.

    I know people had bad experiences, sorry for that, but to punish all birth mothers who choose adoption, children who benefit from adoption, and adoptive parents is not right.

    I'm going back to the political section...for heaven's sake the conservatives and the democrats have more respect for each other than people here claiming to care about children.

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