
Why all the flack for phil grahm?

by Guest59553  |  earlier

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michelle obama says we are mean, we are nothing to be proud of and obama is embarrassed we only speak english.




  1. Because it was a stupid thing to say....and if McBush supporters weren't making such a big deal out of EVERY negative thing regarding Obama - maybe people wouldn't feel to need to do the same with McBush = you can't have it both ways, if you going to hold Obama accountable for what his supporters and advisers say = then McBush needs to be held responsible for his people!

  2. See, it's the difference between having a point and not.

    Read a dozen Y!a questions.  Do you disagree that politics is mean?

    Michelle Obama misspoke on the second quote and she's not the one running anyway.

    Go to any other country that calls itself first world.  Why are we the only country that speaks a single language?

    But Phil Gramm, a man who makes more money than most Americans, doesn't have a point when he calls people who are truly hurting "whiners."  A man who cashed a government paycheck for nearly thirty years can't really tell me how tough things are or aren't in the real world.

  3. because people have lost their houses and jobs... and they aren't happy about it...

    and what phil said hits home a lot more when he just calls them whiners...

    than some vague statements about someone being mean or that we should learn another language... there aren't NEARLY the personal connections to these ideas overall..

  4. Wow, the tables's annoying having your candidate summed up by one stupid remark, isn't it?

  5. Can you say "media bias"?

  6. Well, I'd love to answer the question but I'm too busy whining to type and so deep into my mental recession to think of an answer.

    Phil Gramm gets flack because he is a rich old man, with a huge government pension, health care and a host of speaking opportunities and he tells me I'm a whiner because McSame wants to steal my social security to fund tax cut giveaways for the wealthy.

  7. It seems to prove his point...

  8. I think it's pretty lame too.  And I think Grahm was right. We are slowly turning into a country that expects everything to be handed to us. Hard Times! OH NO! We dont' know how to fend for ourselves. It's sad.  

    Did you know that they want dodge ball taken out of all schools because it could hurt the children? How sad. It's little things like that that are making us less tough and self accountable. There are way too many whiners and not enough positive thinking do-ers.

    The economy is bad right now. And though we aren't 'technically' recession, there are definitely a lot of Americans feeling it and some who have genuinely been hit hard.  But when you're at the bottom, don't start crying. Realize that we live in an AWESOME country with amazing rights and privelages and go do something with your God given talents.

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