
Why all the fuss about china?

by Guest21150  |  earlier

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I hear on the news everyday what a power house china is and that America is on the wain, is this true really, yes china is doing well built on the back of its down trodden population working in smog and filth for an absolute pittance. I truly believe that east and west have periods of growth and America will once again be a power house even though its in recession at the moment I do not think China s well over populated country can have the same potential as America ,being of similar size it has more growth potential than China it could increase its production and immigration as it has done before > Does anyone agree and no i am not American.




  1. I used to work in the news biz and can tell you that "no news is good news".  In other words, broadcasters and newpapers and the media in general, have to spice it up and make it sound like a drama, even on a dull news day.  There has to be a shooting somewhere or some such.

    Yes, it is true, that China is forging ahead economically.  This does not mean that the United States is on the wane/wain - that's just wishful thinking by America's enemies and also some of her friends who get excited when things look a bit difficult.

    But, you know what they say "the tough get going when the going gets tough".  I'm not sure who said that, but it's got to be an American.

    While us Brits are all staring into our red screens and sceaming down the telephones, I note that on the NYSE it's bizz as usual.

    So let's shut up slagging each other off and just get on with it shall we?!*%. . .

    What does America have?  It's got the Protestant work ethic, that's what.  And it is indomitable.  Take my word for it.


    Meanwhile, here's the best ever TV drunk sketch - the late great Foster Brooks with Dean Martin

    ...will we ever dare fly again?....

  2. As China has the majority of the manufacturing companies and exports on a massive scale they are becoming a huge power in the world, combine that with the amount of citizens it has and my god we need all be scared, this is bad news for Western democracies, China the new Empirialists!

  3. The future lies in technology and space.  America is outsourcing most of its technology needs, has since 9/11 closed its shores to most foreigners who used to fill classrooms, and of whom, after graduation many remained in the USA.  One of the main candidates for President wants to delay returning to the Moon for at least 5 years (and the other two have not said much of anything about space, but one wants to spend trillions on wars), while China has an announced program to land on the Moon in less than ten years and then build a permanent base there.  Pretty much since Lyndon Johnson America has made a major series of very bad decisions, and while countries can recover, it always is painful and expensive to do so.  And China could develop such a lead that America could catch up only if the Chinese make a similar decades long series of bad decisions.

  4. China is going through a period of rapid industrialisation. When England went through a similar period during the industrial revolution, we had child labour, pollution, smog, filth, diseases, etc. China just wants to get on with it and does not give a toss if you or I think it is doing well or not. They have 1.3billion mouths to feed and knows that they have to do it themselves. It is the other countries and the media that is constantly trying to enter China in some kind of world competition or beauty contest and rate it. In fact, because China holds a great deal of US bonds, it wants a strong US economy, not a bankrupt nation that will not honour its bonds.

  5. Have you seen the dying rooms documentary.

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