
Why all the fuss over this sports thing in china over the last 2 week?

by  |  earlier

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the tv and newspapers can't stop banging on and on about it




  1. Well we are not much good at any other sport so when we do win something the press seems to shout about it. We cant play cricket to save our lives and all the football teams seem to have a majority of foreign players and when was the last time we ever won the mens singles at wimbledon or the ladies singles for that matter.

  2. I  STILL missed the ladies beach volleyball, obviously not near enough sport on the telly. Is it true there's going to be ladies Gaelic beach football next time?

  3. um what planet have you been on??

  4. Sports thing ?

    Where ?

    When ?

    What did I miss ?

    No-one told me about it.

    Bummer !


  5. Has there been sport on?

  6. I liked it. And I am not generally a sports fan at all. Did enjoy the Olympics though.

  7. It happens every 4 must be either very young....or you don't own a TV.

    Watch out cause it's going to happen again....this time in England.

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